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The initiative on the portal ‘ManaBalss.lv’ also calls for support for students in paid places

The collection of signatures on the portal “ManaBalss.lv” has been started for the Ministry of Education and Science (IZM) to alleviate the consequences of the pandemic could be received by everyone – even those students who do not study in budget places, the author of the initiative Lāsma Bērziņa informed the portal “Delfi”.

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“It is clear that the amendments adopted in this case differentiate between budget and paying students, but the pandemic caused by Covid-19 does not discriminate between students and may affect each student’s income, whether he or she is studying at his or her own expense or from the state budget. group, “pointed out Bērziņa. She explained that with this initiative she wants to get the government to create a new legal act that would provide support to all students in Latvia.

Since 14 August, the initiative has been signed by more than 250 supporters of the idea.

To get it The Saeima approximately 9750 more signatures are needed.

On August 11, the Ministry of Education and Science announced that with the new academic year, the amount of the minimum monthly stipend for students will be increased from 99.60 euros to 200 euros. The number of beneficiaries was also increased by about 743 students. Only students in budget places can apply for support.

According to the data of the Ministry of Education and Science, a total of 79,388 students study in Latvian higher education institutions, of which 41% or 32,787 study for the state budget, but the majority or 59% (46,601) pay for their studies themselves.

Already postedthat support for students to mitigate the effects of the pandemic, called for a review of SIA “School of Business Administration Wealth“.

Marta Kive, a spokeswoman for the university, said that granting scholarships only to students in state budget places “discriminates against other students in public and private universities, who face the same problems caused by Covid-19”. The authority called on the government to change the new regulations so that all students can apply for support.

The Rector of the University of Latvia (UL) also agrees Indrikis Muiznieks. “The scholarship is undoubtedly, perhaps even crucial, for a student who has to work in parallel, who is studying for a fee and who has had some problems with his work as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic,” Muižnieks told Delfi.

He also said earlier that scholarships should support students in social difficulties. As for students with excellent results, they can apply for LU Foundation scholarships, such as the Kristaps Morberg Scholarship and others.

In the spring, the direct beneficiaries – students – in the online campaign “#I Want to Study” with photos and stories even why they want to study and their study experience, drew attention to the need for additional support during Covid-19.

Latvian Student Associations (LSA) President Justine Shirin explained to the Delfi portal that the new changes, namely increasing the amount of scholarships and the number of recipients, are a compromise solution.

Initially, the LSA called for the introduction of social scholarships for all students who have encountered problems, and for an increase in state budget scholarships in parallel.

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