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The inhabitants of a brand new residential complex in Plovdiv are making a mess

New residents of the new residential complex “Olympia” on “Shipka” Blvd. in the “Trakia” district throw cardboard boxes, construction waste and other waste into the containers every day, and after filling the garbage containers, accumulate rooms and around them.” and invite citizens not to form unregulated landfills.

After several emergency cleanups of the space over the past two weeks, there was litter again two mornings ago. Meanwhile, the municipal enterprise has reported the problem to the ecology department of “Trakia”, the mayor of the region Kostadin Dimitrov sent a letter to the building manager notifying him of his obligation to comply with the municipal waste management ordinance.

The director of “Cleaning” Dimitar Georgiev he also reminds that citizens must dispose of waste in the designated areas. Beaver bins are for household solid waste, colored bins are for packaging waste, and cartons should be folded and placed inside, not thrown on the curb.

Construction waste up to 1 cubic meter from households is accepted free of charge at the specialized site at 64 A Dame Gruev Street.

There are also cases like that of the new “Olympia” complex in other districts of Plovdiv: if the new residents don’t know how and where to dispose of their waste so as not to pollute the city, ask for more information on tel 032/675 817.

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