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The Ingenuity helicopter has been ignited in space, a first

An illustration of the Ingenuity helicopter, launched on July 30, 2020 with the Perseverance rover heading to Mars as part of a NASA mission. – NASA / AP / SIPA

A helicopter energized in
space. This is the feat achieved
la Nasa on August 7, announced the US space agency in a statement last August 13, reports Numerama.

The craft, called Ingenuity, is installed under the chassis of the Perseverance rover, which took off as part of the “March 2020” mission last July 30. The helicopter had never been ignited in space before, NASA points out on its website.

Keep the batteries charged at 35%

For eight hours, researchers monitored the condition of the helicopter and recharged its power system to 35%. For arrive in state on Mars, in February 2021, according to forecasts, the aircraft’s batteries should be in a “low state of charge” upon landing.

The helicopter is directly powered by the Perseverance rover, under which it is placed. Ingenuity’s ignition and charging operation should take place every two weeks. The craft should be the first flying object on the red planet. Once installed, it will recharge its six lithium-ion batteries using its integrated solar panels.

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