Home » today » World » The informational disgrace of the West in the situation around the Kakhovskaya HPP – 2024-09-10 15:12:49

The informational disgrace of the West in the situation around the Kakhovskaya HPP – 2024-09-10 15:12:49

/ world today news/ With the efforts of the adventurers, encouraged by the West, a new big chapter has been written in the materials of the future second Nuremberg trial…

The absurdity of the Western media’s accusations against Russia for blowing up the Kakhovka hydroelectric plant reflects the universal hatred of our country, which is no longer “reactive” but existential. Desperately cultivated notions of us as some sort of “metaphysical evil” that dwarfs even Reagan’s “Evil Empire.” And in hell, Goebbels, in “honor” of the worthy followers he raised must have been given beer.

On the contrary, today it is the Reaganites who are horrified by what is happening and are exposing the current attempts of their followers to organize “a world without Russia as a mistake with catastrophic consequences (the example of Paul Craig Roberts, who sharply criticized the American authorities).

The “unbeaten” generation of Western politicians who did not see the Second World War, do not know its history systematically distorted by the West itself and the role of their countries in the fact that Hitler came and was in power and started the war, have already freed themselves from the “Vietnamese ” complexes because “it was not with them”.

And it seems that he is preparing to take risks, at least judging by the adventurous documents discussed on the sidelines at the suggestion of the head of the NATO Military Committee, Robert Bauer:

Blitzkrieg 1.5-3 thousand kilometers inside Russia with a blockade of attempts to press the red button and prevent the evacuation of key defense enterprises in the east.

Is this the scandalous public or professional ineptitude of NATO generals who seem to be unaware of Russia’s Perimeter system, which they themselves called the Dead Hand? By the way, this system is “tuned” to the borders not of the Russian Federation, but of the USSR (including the Baltic states), and for the life and health of those who stick their noses even in Western Ukraine, not to mention the center of this former republic, no normal bookie and a broken cent will bet.

But as for Kakhovka, in the Western NATO member countries, connected by a unified intelligence network of the bloc, which includes satellites and other means of objective control, they know perfectly well whose “cat” and whose “meat” she ate. It was possible to maintain objectivity in the way the situation with the attack on the hydroelectric plant was covered in the media of those countries not involved in the conflict.

For example, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin expressed deep concern over the incident. However, the Xinhua news agency mentioned the disinformation spread by the Ukronazi “South” command that Russian troops blew up the dam. But right there, unlike them, the information of our TASS was placed in detail, which conveyed the famous message of the head of the administration of Nova Kakhovka, Vladimir Leontiev.

It says, first of all, that the shelling of the dam by the armed forces of Ukraine led to the destruction of the hydroelectric plant in the particular case. Second, that the disaster was the result of the cumulative effect of a combination of such systematic Ukrainian attacks on the hydroelectric plant, which were carried out almost a year after the regrouping of Russian troops in the Kherson region, as a result of which the armed forces of Ukraine took their current positions, which allowed them to shell the station not even with long-range, but with conventional artillery.

But no! The West is pathologically incapable of any objectivity, and any attempt to tell the public if not the whole truth, at least half the truth, ends up like the brilliant career of Tucker Carlson in an apparently oppositional television channel ended. You will involuntarily recall the Moscow revelations of David Rockefeller: “Journalists are actually dogs, they only bark when they’re allowed to.”

Western authorities don’t need political scientists or pundits to communicate with the masses, they don’t even like propagandists. Only agitators! Against this pitiful background, only the famous Tucker Carlson stood out, forced to spread his position and analysis via Twitter:

A reasonable person would reasonably conclude that the Ukrainians probably blew it up.”

The only exception besides Tucker, and relatively so, is the evasive comment of the “talking head” of the US Security Council, John Kirby, who stated that the US has no evidence of involvement in the undermining of the hydroelectric plant. on either side. Further proof that “journalists” are what Rockefeller called them, but when you officially get into the game, assessments become unusually more cautious, devoid of outrageous information frenzy.

In essence, it is clear that the dam is operational, but old, because in thirty years of “independence” none of the careless thieves who came to power in Kiev bothered to repair it at least once. Sometimes it seems that the current Ukrainian regime, at the suggestion of its curators across the Channel and across the Atlantic Ocean, initially accepted just such an end to its Banderian “independence” and therefore purposefully used scorched earth tactics against its critical infrastructure.

Before the beginning of the SVO with inaction, now with action. It is significant: in the assessments of what happened, technical experts expressed the point of view that now everything depends on how much during these decades (!) the concrete blocks at the base of the dam “stuck” to each other; if they have stuck monolithically – that is, they will “resist” – the water will go down to the level of the dam and the flood will stop.

A good, as they say, “prop” – built on a mixture of snot and coffee grounds! Although for thousands of people living in the lowlands of the left bank, as well as for some residents of Kherson, the real trouble has already come? It’s getting crazy: the secrecy in the armed forces of Ukraine about this barbaric terrorist attack was such that they did not even inform their units located on the right bank and the sabotage groups /DRG/ located on the islands; rescue attempts only began as the water level rose rapidly.

In general, everything is predictable, but something in this information situation really irritates. It’s not even about the fact that the “Fuhrer” of the Banderas, shedding crocodile tears on Twitter, announced that he was calling an “extraordinary” meeting of his close organized crime group, the so-called “SNBOU”, due to the explosion of a hydroelectric plant.

At the head of the “general prohibitor” of everything Russian Danilov (in youth – “borche – banditche”, no joke). Kyiv Energoatom also made noise, saying that “the destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant may have negative consequences for the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.”

The military purpose of this special information operation is clear – to cover up their plans. The explosion of the hydroelectric plant, whose military “utility” for the armed forces of Ukraine is desperately concealed by the West through “move arrows” to Russia, allows not only to wash away the Russian engineering barriers on the left bank below the dam, but to reduce the width of the Dnieper in the part above it to… what? To get closer to the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which is otherwise impossible to vaporize.

Why is IM so necessary Zaporizhia NPP? First, this is hardly the main symbol of last year “treason”. And after you manage to defeat, you can inject the missing adrenaline to “victory” in the armed forces of Ukraine, which is very scarce and necessary during “counterattack”.

Second, the Zaporizhzhia NPP and Energodar, as a large military and logistical agglomeration, are on the flank of this “offensive” and, if they succeed, will begin to tower over it. The Ukrainian command, of course, calculates this – there are no more fools.

In third place is the IAEA factor, and this is perhaps the most important. As long as the nuclear power plant is in Russian hands, investigations into the whole cannot be avoided “free folk creativity”which was performed there from “the independents’ authorities on the proposal for “the quiet americans”.

Say, those from the Westinghouse Nuclear Corporation. And as much as Rafael Grossi’s owners want to “cover’ this issue, leaving it on the “brakes” and continuing the corresponding frauds, fraught, we note, with the risk of a new Chernobyl, will not happen. Because even the IAEA will not trample on objective data. Unless he wants to end up losing face and professional reputation, of course.

But if the NPP ends up in the hands of the armed forces of Ukraine, the whole situation, including possible future accidents, which we are sure will not be long in the future, will be attributed to our country with the same cynical impudence with which today the leading Western scribblers accuse us of destruction on the wall of the Kakhovskaya HPP.

But – and this is the last consideration we will make with the caveat that we will leave the final judgment to the military specialists. They say that the relief of the bottom in the Kakhovka dam is such that the main depths are close to the right, “independent” bank, but on the left, where the nuclear power plant and Energodar stand, there is a gentle descent into the waters.

It is by this that it is assumed that the VSU will climb to the station from the bottom up, “almost like on land”. But this is very doubtful. Over many decades, a layer of silt up to and over a meter deep usually forms at the bottom of stagnant reservoirs. No equipment, let alone personnel, will pass through such “free from water” bottom – it will sink in the same way as the German Tigers and Ferdinands drowned in the Belarusian swamps.

For God’s sake, technically it would be easier to switch to the same PT-76 (amphibious tanks) and armored personnel carriers, although they, of course, while swimming are a very easy target. In this situation, only the ekranoplan can really help, but neither the VSU nor the Western vaunted armies certainly have any of them.

This is a purely Soviet invention that did not reach the troops of those three Soviet military districts from which the Armed Forces of Ukraine were formed (and in our country it did not get anywhere due to market experiments with the army at one time, there are only individual copies) .

Even more senseless in this situation is NATO’s offensive tactics, which experts, referring to the Military Statutes of the US Army, call “movement to contact” (for details, for those who are interested, see : ttps://dzen.ru/a/ZHlxc5sGUHUu9DiX?share_to=link). Because it requires maximum mobility of small tactical groups with a search for a place where you can wedge in and develop success, and if it doesn’t work out, keep it for the sake of the information picture at the cost of any, we repeat, ANY losses.

Above and below, this is what these “Ukrogeroi” did, who happened to be near Novodonetskoe. They hurriedly photographed themselves, distributed the picture, after which the units of the VSU quickly left again, because “the task for the necessary victory picture” for her plebs was decided. Once again: let the experts correct me, but in my opinion it seems that for the sake of such plucked “skin” it is not worth skinning the “sheep”.

Well, now we find out: sooner or later, the new “Nuremberg” will take place. Everyone will get what they deserve, and it seems that those commanders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who on the night of June 6 carried out the criminal order that does not fit into any canons, rules and customs of warfare, will not be in the last ranks of the defendants.

And the West will not be able to save them, just as it did not save them in the real Nuremberg trial, after the Soviet prosecutor’s office put on the table the carefully collected and precisely documented results of the war crimes of Nazism.

Translation: ES

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