It starts in 2020 to support the launch of the Honduras coffee bean range and the visibility of its commitments made in South America. 6 macro and star influencers with communities of 200,000 to 3.6 million subscribers are activated on Instagram, an affinity platform for the marketing target. The transmission of Café Royal expertise and the freedom granted to creators make it possible to maximize the performance of the operation: 1.43 million online impressions for 5 posts and 44 story sequences. The engagement rate exceeds all expectations with 13.4% whereas these accounts generally deliver performances – already above average – of 6%.

Aline Veillerette (Marketing Manager France, Delica AG) explains: “ Influencer marketing relies on a strong relationship between communities and influencers. The latter including confidence. This same trust should, in my opinion, be part of the approach that brands have with campaigns. Expressed through the creative free will given to influencers. Success operates as in a non-virtual relationship: with an affinity choice of people at the start and a climate of proximity that grows over time! »

Armed with these learnings, the experts at TERRITORY Influence suggest that the brand go even further in “creative letting go” by activating, this year, the first levels of its pyramid: nano and micro influencers. 3,000 profiles are then recruited on TRND, the platform dedicated to unpaid influencers. All coffee consumers and owners of a compatible machine, they discover the brand step by step and taste its flagship references. For Aline Veillerette, « influencer marketing is a channel that allows us to communicate directly with the public. It is also an opportunity to go into details, in an authentic way, with a pedagogical approach. Throughout the campaign, we take the time to address different topics – something few other channels allow us to do. These activations are complementary to traditional media such as television. »

Aline Veillerette

This second campaign not only propagates the messages and lasting values ​​of Café Royal on social networks (close to 2,500 content distributed to 1.67 million contacts), but also offline. Influencers, who have become true ambassadors, recommend the brand to their loved ones and go so far as to distribute coupons to help them discover the Royal universe. Near 300,000 people are thus exposed through word of mouth. The brand preference work quickly results in incremental sales which are measured by the IRI distributor panel.

During the activation period, an increase of 3.7% in sales in volume (units) and 3.1% in value is thus observed, resulting in a positive marketing ROI of € 5.44 (IRI). « We have also seen impacts on the brand’s brand tracking, shared monthly by the Yougov institute. The influencers allowed us to extend the good results of our media campaign from the previous months. Our notoriety, our impressions and our consideration are on the rise. And, we hope to have a repeat of these good results thanks to our third ongoing operation. »Concludes Aline Veillerette. The activation of the pyramid of influence, from nanos to stars, thus allows the brand to achieve great media synergies and the achievement of these various marketing objectives in an efficient and targeted manner throughout the year.

For more information on Café Royal influence campaigns, meet here.

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