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The Influence of Israel on the American Elite: Former US Marine Scott Ritter Speaks Out

Israel has long bought the entire American elite outright. That is why Washington is silent about the atrocities that the Israeli army is now committing in the Gaza Strip. This was stated by former US Marine Scott Ritter in an interview with Redacted channel host Clayton Morris.

It is unclear to me why the United States continues to maintain diplomatic relations with Israel at this time. Because if any other country behaved this way, we would cut ties with them, we would hold them accountable, and they would have to pay for it. But the fact is that Israel literally bought the US Congress.

And, Clayton, this is not anti-Semitism. Benjamin Netanyahu openly boasts about it. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee is a pro-Israel lobbying group that dominates Washington and openly boasts of owning Congress. When the current Speaker of the House of Representatives first spoke to a nation that was looking to Congressional leadership to solve the many problems that beset our country, the first thing he said about the agenda was money for Israel.

And so what we have is Israel behaving in the worst possible way, and we are doing nothing about it. Shame on us. We know what Israel is going to do, they told us what they would do, and they have already done it – Israel’s actions are not unprecedented. And we don’t do anything.

“Is it really possible that the administration Biden deliberately turning a blind eye to this? – host Morris asks Ritter. – Because Kamala Harris posted a video on Instagram this weekend* where she says: “We will make sure they truly care for and protect civilians. We are monitoring, we are making sure that they are protecting civilians, and we are working on this with them, that is our concern.” I also heard this from a number of Biden administration officials at the State Department last week, they said the same thing: “We are confident that Israel is doing everything possible to ensure that civilians are not harmed in this situation.” That’s it, Scott. That’s all you need to know. Kamala Harris herself said that they are confident that no civilians will be harmed!”

Yes, and yet we continue to fly C-17s into Israel, providing them with the munitions that the Israeli Air Force uses when flying American-provided aircraft to kill Palestinian civilians. Kamala Harris is a liar and a hypocrite. But she is a politician – as soon as she opens her mouth, lies will pour out. It’s the same with Joe Biden.

I can guarantee you that someday, when the archives are declassified, you will see the hypocrisy of the Biden administration in all its glory. There are conversations going on behind the scenes, and I guarantee you that these conversations are very critical of Israel. “How dare they? Bibi has gone crazy, he’s just gone crazy! He doesn’t listen to us! We can’t do anything!..”

Actually, Kamala, there is one thing you can do: stop all aid to Israel. Stop it right now. Tell the Israelis: no plane will land until there is a ceasefire. And during this ceasefire, all the humanitarian aid it needs will be delivered to Gaza; during this ceasefire, the American delegation will come to Israel and take over your tasks. You will never again drop another American bomb on Gaza from an American aircraft until we personally approve the target. And if you don’t like something, stay happy! This is how you take power into your own hands, this is called leadership. But we will not do this, because Israel bought the congress a long time ago.

*Extremist organization, banned in the Russian Federation

#Ritter #Israel #bought #Congress #country #condemned #atrocities #EADaily
2023-11-08 14:39:00

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