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The Influence of Hunger on Memory: Findings from US Scientists

The process of remembering information becomes more efficient on an empty stomach. The corresponding conclusions were made by US scientists representing the University of Southern California.

About it writes glamor portal.

It is noted that the memory hormone ghrelin, discovered back in 1990, is synthesized in the stomach and intestines, after which it enters the pituitary gland. It is able to influence memory through the intestinal branch of the vagus nerve. The feeling of hunger and satiety is able to take over the regulation of complex neural mechanisms.

As part of the experiment, scientists injected laboratory mice with ghrelin, which resulted in weight gain. Signals were sent to the brain about digestion and the overall state of the intestine, which demonstrates its connection with memorization.

The rodents also had to pass an episodic memory test. With the production and concentration of the hormone, the memory of animals improved, and the memorization of information occurred faster.

As Cursor reported, scientists have found a way to more than double memory. According to experts, exposure to a strong smell can significantly improve memory and other cognitive abilities in old age.

Cursor reported earlier that a group of psychologists from the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology in the US found that reading preserves memory skills in older people.

We also wrote that eating more flavonols, the antioxidants found in wine, tea, and many vegetables and fruits, can slow down the rate of memory loss.

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2023-08-28 16:02:17

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