Generation Z is on the lookout for new trends.
ConsumptionHere’s what makes Gen Z tick
Iced teas or colorful drinks: everything Gen Z touches becomes trendy. A marketing expert from Zurich explains why.

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Generation Z can be a difficult mystery for their elders. Very diverse, she is politically and socially active, attaches great importance to a balance between professional and private life and aspires to her independence. But on the consumption side, what products is it interested in?
Generation Z is constantly inundated with new things. A few years ago, Starbucks was a hit with its Pink Drink, a fruity coconut milk tea served with fresh strawberries and ice cubes. Suddenly, everyone was asking for the famous pink drink. Since then, more and more rappers and influencers targeting Generation Z are launching iced teas and other energy drinks on the market.
But how do you reach Gen Z? “Just because of its very trendy color, with great potential, the Pink Drink is obviously intended to be photographed and shared on Instagram or TikTok”, explains Adrienne Suvada, head of the Communication & Branding department at the Institute of Marketing Management of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, citing the example of Starbucks.

This is what the famous Pink Drink from Starbucks, so popular with Generation Z, looks like.
Apart from its color, Starbucks has, she says, also played on the sensational side of the product, in order to increase its chances of reaching Gen Z. to initiates. Originally, the Pink Drink was one of them, before its existence was revealed on social media.
The role of social networks
“This generation is very active on social networks and is very interested in new products and new trends. To reach Generation Z, you can go directly through their influencers or launch products that speak to them on the market,” explains the marketing expert. If the product is to be relevant, so is its packaging and marketing.
In addition, Generation Z often pleads for more authenticity on social networks. That’s why it’s very important that manufacturers communicate consistently and authentically. “If you advertise a sustainable product, the packaging cannot disappoint and must meet the promised criteria,” says Adrienne Suvada.
Swiss products for Generation Z
In Switzerland, there are also products aimed at Generation Z. Some influencers even advertise them or promote their own range of products. “Like Zeki, which markets products with great success,” explains Adrienne Suvada. The influencer, known in German-speaking Switzerland, managed to place his Sucuk sausage on the shelves of Migros, followed in 2022 by his energy drink.

Generation Z is demanding. She is diverse, politically and socially active and very active on social media.
Other Swiss companies, including small start-ups, are also targeting this generation, particularly in the field of fashion. “It remains to be seen whether they will be able to hold out over time,” warns Adrienne Suvada. According to her, making a trend last is not easy. Especially since Generation Z does not make it easy for advertisers. “Gen Z jumps from one fad to another, so it’s hard to retain them.”
2023-08-07 15:33:46
#Buying #behavior #Heres #Gen #tick