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The Infiltrator: Unmasking the Power of Fundamentalist Catholics

“The Infiltrator” is a new Ligne Rouge collection. After infiltrating the black bloc last May, the Ligne Rouge team infiltrated clandestinely for several months within the fundamentalist Catholic movement Civitas, at the origin of several concert cancellations including that of singer Bilal Hassani, in April last. Since the beginning of August, Civitas has also been threatened with dissolution by the Ministry of the Interior, after comments deemed anti-Semitic made by a speaker at the far-right movement’s summer school. What are their methods? What connection do they have with the violent far right? How does a band with only a few hundred members manage to cancel concerts? “The infiltrator, at the heart of fundamentalist Catholics”, a document signed Quentin Baulier and Héloise Paliwoda.

09/25/2023 at 9:27 p.m. | Duration: 2:07

2023-09-25 19:48:57
#RED #LINE #Singer #Bilal #Hassani #target #fundamentalist #Catholic #movement #Civitas

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