The Indonesian government is preparing 9,000 toilets across 127 rest areas along toll roads in anticipation of the mass exodus for the Eid al-Fitr holiday. Last year saw around 6,000 toilets available. Resting areas have also been established in several places such as the Cipali Toll Road and Tangerang-Merak Toll Road. Further, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing is preparing a direct route from Solo to Yogyakarta, beginning at the Semarang-Solo Toll Road, as well as the Cisumdawu Toll Road to be used as an exodus route from Cileunyi to Dawuan, West Java, with a 90 kilometer length. Indonesia’s toll roads stretch over 2,620 kilometers, with 70 sections managed by 49 toll road business entities, of which 1,718 kilometers are found in Java Island.