The working future of Barbara D’Urso appears quite uncertain at the moment, especially after the indiscretion launched by Novella 2000. The magazine directed by Roberto Alessi has in fact opened some important scenarios: for D’Urso, this season at Mediaset is not exactly the best, especially after she had to say goodbye to two shows, Live – It’s not D’Urso e Domenica Live. However, at the moment a change of network is not at all ruled out: is his future on Sky?
Barbara D’Urso leaves Mediaset for Sky: the indiscretion
The presenter has been one of the leading faces of for years Mediaset. At the moment, however, it seems that Sky he would be courting her, and not for a short time. According to Novella 2000, the network has been wanting to propose a change for several months. Given the curtailments of her programs, it is not so unthinkable to believe that Barbara will allow herself to be tempted.
In previous years, D’Urso was practically aired on the Mediaset network six days a week. Not to mention that his too Afternoon Five it has suffered in part of the cuts, at least from the point of view of the minutes. The downsizing did not make her happy: the afternoon slot was also at the center of some controversy, as very similar to Live Life. Less lounge, more topical.
The future of Barbara D’Urso on TV
Some are in fact convinced that there may be a change of direction in D’Urso’s plans. At the end of 2021/2022 television season, he may want to aim for a sudden change, especially by returning to his beloved television lounges. But how did the top management of Mediaset take Sky’s courtship towards the presenter? Not in the best way.
Scenarios can be opened that would pose D’Urso hovering between Sky and Mediaset: come Enrico Papi, could choose to split between the two networks, investing in new formats. For the moment it is only an indiscretion, but it certainly may not be so far from reality, particularly because, in the end, everything is in the hands of Barbara and Sky’s proposal.
The colossus of Cologno Monzese has been the home of Barbara D’Urso for more than twenty years. Although in the eyes of viewers it may seem incredible a change of course, who knows that the presenter will not let herself be completely tempted by a program of her own on Sky, perhaps in prime time, just like in the old days.
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