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The incredible story of a teenager who grew up with half her brain

An 18-year-old American teenage girl, born with a left hemisphere of her brain, leads a normal city. His IQ and reading skills are intact, if not better than average, says American science magazine New Scientist in an exclusive story.

The girl’s parents, whom we will call C1, first noticed something strange when she was 7 months old. It is normally during this time that babies stop grabbing their parents’ fingers with their hands. But C1 continued to do so, with the right hand. It was at the age of 10 months that a brain scan revealed that instead of the left hemisphere, a pocket containing cerebrospinal fluid filled part of the toddler’s brain.

The girl was then diagnosed as suffering from hemi-hydranencephaly, an extremely rare pathology which implies that a large part of the cerebral context is missing. Only nine cases have been reported worldwide.

Four months later, C1 joined a research program alongside scientists from the University of Chicago. They followed his progress and evolution until he was 16, alongside other children suffering from various pathologies and brain abnormalities. Their ability to speak, to move, their reading skills were carefully monitored.

Until his 5 years, C1’s skills in these various fields were considered to be “below average”, notes the American magazine. But little by little, his cognitive abilities caught up with those of children born without pathology. The girl demonstrated exceptional ability to read. His short memory is also considered to be above average.

When the teenager turned 14, the researchers performed an MRI on her brain to study her reactions while C1 was listening to stories. According to the researchers, the young woman’s right hemisphere works like that of a teenage girl with her entire cerebral cortex. Their conclusion: his right hemisphere has managed to adapt to the functionality of the left hemisphere, recreating some of its capabilities.

As noted New Scientist, the case of C1 is very rare, even among people suffering from the same pathology. Her little brother, born with a normal brain, has exceptional speaking skills, suggesting that a genetic factor may be involved. Anyway, long and beautiful life to the girl.

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