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The Increasing Trend of Coffee Consumption after Meals

“Young people these days need coffee transfusions more than food.”

(Current Affairs Cast, SISACAST = Reporter Jiyoung Kim)

The number of office workers who eat a light lunch and drink coffee is increasing. [사진=픽사베이]

Looking at the lunch hours of office workers these days, post-meal coffee is now an essential course, and the number of office workers who drink coffee after a light lunch is increasing. Coffee after a meal promotes gastrointestinal motility due to the stimulating effect of caffeine, which helps digestion and prevents constipation.

Additionally, the salicylic acid and ellogic acid contained in coffee can help promote intestinal health by stimulating intestinal movement. However, some people should avoid coffee within an hour after a meal. These are people suffering from anemia or diabetes. Coffee after a meal can have a negative effect on anemia and diabetes.

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, activating brain function and increasing concentration.

Many people say, “When I drink coffee, I feel more alert and have more energy.” [사진=픽사베이]

Many people enjoy fruit or coffee right after a meal. Surprisingly, eating fruit may result in poor absorption of the fruit’s nutrients. Additionally, phenolic compounds contained in tea or coffee interfere with the absorption of certain nutrients, such as iron. The tannin component of coffee binds to iron, preventing iron from being absorbed into the body and also preventing the absorption of vitamins and minerals into the body.

It is better to eat 1 to 2 hours after the meal has been fully digested. Drinking coffee after a meal increases concentration and releases energy. The caffeine contained in coffee can stimulate the central nervous system, activating brain function and improving concentration. Additionally, caffeine helps you stay active by reducing energy deficiency and increasing stamina.

“When I drink coffee, I feel more alert and have more energy.”

Mr. Kim (31), an office worker, visits a cafe near his office every day after lunch. He said, “The happiest time of my working life is drinking coffee after finishing work in the morning and having lunch. If I have a quick lunch and laugh and chat with my co-workers while drinking coffee, the stress disappears.”

Mr. Kim said, “You can skip rice or not eat it, but you must drink coffee,” adding, “Young people these days prefer coffee transfusions to rice.” Housewife Okmo (40) also said, “I’m busy getting my kids to school in the morning. Not long ago, I drank coffee right after the kids went home, but I heard it wasn’t good for health, so these days I just have breakfast (breakfast and lunch combined). “I drink coffee right after eating it.”

He said, “Actually, when I do my morning routine without drinking coffee, I feel dizzy, but if I drink a cup of coffee right after breakfast, I feel more alert and have more energy.”

Even if you eat food that is good for anemia, drinking coffee after a meal can be in vain.

If you have anemia, it is best to refrain from drinking coffee. [사진=픽사베이]

There are many benefits and benefits of coffee, but that does not mean that everyone can drink coffee after a meal. If you have anemia, you should not drink coffee after a meal. The tannin content in coffee interferes with iron absorption in the body.

Even if you eat food that is good for anemia, a cup of coffee after a meal can be in vain. The habit of drinking coffee during and within an hour after a meal can worsen anemia. Anemia often occurs when people reduce their food intake excessively through a vegetarian diet or diet, or when they have irregular eating habits.

Ohmo (22), a college student, started dieting some time ago and lost 3kg. He said, “I gained a lot of weight over the summer, so I’m currently on a diet. My goal is to lose a total of 5kg, but it’s not easy.” He continued, “Maybe it’s because I lost 3kg in a month, but when I suddenly wake up or look at the monitor for a long time, I suddenly feel dizzy. When I drink coffee like this, my head spins and my hands start shaking, so I quit drinking coffee these days.”

Diabetics are not advised to drink coffee right after a meal.

It is better for diabetic patients to drink coffee about an hour after a meal. [사진=픽사베이]

Coffee after a meal is also not good for diabetes. This is because the caffeine in coffee can have a negative effect on blood sugar control. If you drink coffee after consuming sugar or carbohydrates rather than on an empty stomach, blood sugar levels tend to rise further and persist. This is because caffeine reduces insulin sensitivity.

Even if a healthy person consumes caffeine after a meal, the body’s system operates and blood sugar levels are automatically regulated. However, if diabetic patients taking blood sugar lowering medication consume caffeine after a meal, the effectiveness of the blood sugar lowering medication may be reduced. Therefore, it is best for diabetic patients to refrain from drinking coffee after meals. 66-year-old Kwak suffers from diabetes. She likes coffee and drinks a cup every day.

Grandmother Kwak drinks coffee after lunch, but the hospital says it is best to drink it an hour after a meal, so she drinks coffee around 2 p.m. He said, “I can’t quit coffee, so I wait after lunch and drink coffee, and that’s the time I look forward to the most. I think the most important thing is to drink coffee healthily.”

Coffee, if consumed in moderation, has a positive effect on health. Recent studies report that some coffee ingredients may have a positive effect on digestive health. Although further research is needed on this, it is expected that moderate coffee consumption can benefit digestive health. [시사캐스트]

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2023-09-16 22:52:01

#싱글족의 #알쓸신잡 #Coffee #meal #Health #effects #timing #drinking #important

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