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The Increasing Beaver Population in Switzerland and Liechtenstein

The number of hunting grounds in Switzerland has increased by 8.2 percent each year, and that of the population by 8.3 percent, according to a statement from the Office for the Environment of the Principality of Liechtenstein. Beavers are most dense in the lower Thur valley near Frauenfeld TG and along the Aare and its tributaries between Thun BE and Bern.

The Inn is the third major water catchment area in Switzerland. In addition, the highest beaver in Europe lives in Samedan GR. The beaver population continues to increase in all regions, the statement further states.

In the Principality of Liechtenstein, meanwhile, 20 districts were registered in 2022. In 2008 there were no beavers there. Of the total of 1402 territories in the two countries, 599 are single animals or pairs and 803 families. This resulted in a population of around 4900 animals in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, as the Office for the Environment further announced.

In winter 2022, after 1978, 1993 and 2008, a beaver population survey was carried out for Switzerland and Liechtenstein for the fourth time. More than 400 mappers and game wardens searched around 7,000 kilometers of water for beaver tracks, as the statement says.


2023-07-11 21:26:30
#times #beaver #territories #Switzerland #RadioCentral

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