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The Increase of Anti-Semitism and the Tactics Used by Activists: Interview with Jan Kraus

photo: Wikimedia Commons, David Sedlecký. The photo was edited, Ivana Chýlková/Actor, presenter and columnist Jan Kraus was cut out

INTERVIEW: Activists of pro-Palestinian organizations are using a double standard and are successfully using new tactics. If they want to attack Jews, they never do it directly, but they criticize Israel. “Anti-Semitism is a left-wing scoundrel. The whole society always pays for it,” Jan Kraus, actor, presenter and publicist, told PrahaIN.cz.

Jan Krause’s family was severely persecuted during the Nazi occupation. The actor perceives everything related to anti-Semitism, racism and hatred very sensitively. He too was shocked by the brutal murders of Jews during an attack by the terrorist organization Hamas in southern Israel.

Jan Kraus notes the sharp increase in anti-Semitism in Europe and in the world. The terrorist attack in Israel deeply shook the actor. “What happened in Israel is nothing but sheer horror. That’s horrible. However, the Jews always begin, but do not end. When hatred and anti-Semitism appear anywhere in society, it ends up damaging the entire society in a horrific way. See what slogans and what statements are used by the activists who are demonstrating in our country against the military retaliation of the Israeli army in Gaza after the terrible massacre that Hamas carried out. They actually say that if someone hurts a Jew, it’s okay. But for other people, it’s a tragedy. Only Jews don’t mind,” Jan Kraus told the editorial staff of PrahaIN.cz.

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In this context, the actor points out that anti-Semitism has long since taken a different form. According to him, anti-Semites have created a new tactic that they are using with success. Last but not least, revenge for success is hidden behind anti-Semitism.

“Today they are not attacking Jews as such, but they are criticizing and attacking Israel. This is the new trick used by today’s racists and anti-Semites. Anti-Semitism will never go away because it is eternal. Some political scientists and commentators say he is a left-wing scumbag. Of course, this is also related to the fact that anti-Semitism hides a poorly disguised revenge for success. “For the fact that the Jews gave mankind groundbreaking “things” and inventions, they are successful in all possible fields, and for the fact that they have many Nobel prizes and the like,” points out Jan Kraus.

The actor pointed out that the efforts of some activists and politicians to create a society in Europe in which individuals from different cultures and religions would live peacefully side by side have failed. “The rise of anti-Semitism in Europe is connected to a very important thing. It turns out that the attempt to create a multicultural society has failed. We did good for so long that it turned against us and against our society. As I said before, anti-Semitism is just the beginning. A society that does not take a more vigorous stand against evil from the very beginning always pays the price tragically. It is enough to look at the recent past,” stated the artist.

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Jan Kraus’ father, Ota Kraus, survived imprisonment in the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz. In 1946, together with his fellow prisoner and friend Erich Kulka, he wrote the legendary book Death Factory, which was published in 1947. The publication revealed in detail the crimes committed by the Nazis in the concentration camps and caused shock and dismay throughout the world at the time.

2023-11-01 17:55:57
#Moderator #Jan #Kraus #joined #discussion #Israel #kidding

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