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The increase in the minimum wage, a flagship reform of Biden that remains pending

This is one of the many concessions Joe Biden must make to the moderates in his stimulus package debated by Congress. But the question should continue to agitate the American political class for months, even years … The Democrats, pushed by the left wing and Bernie Sanders, had promised to increase the minimum wage gradually by 7.25 dollars per l hour today at $ 15 at the federal level.

A popular measure, supported by 60% of Americans according to a recent Five Thirty Eight poll, but unacceptable to Republicans and which was not unanimous among moderate Democrats. Aware that the measure was popular, some within the Republican Party had proposed a compromise: former presidential candidate Mitt Romney supported a minimum wage increased to $ 10 an hour within four years, then indexed to l ‘inflation. As for the young Trumpist senator Josh Hawley, he advocated an increase to only $ 15 an hour for very large companies, whose annual turnover exceeds one billion dollars.

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