Home » today » News » The incident of a mainland woman exemplifies the huge differences in education between China and Hong Kong. Hong Kong people question Hong Kong’s point-and-shoot netizens: It’s all a big fight.

The incident of a mainland woman exemplifies the huge differences in education between China and Hong Kong. Hong Kong people question Hong Kong’s point-and-shoot netizens: It’s all a big fight.

The case of a mainland girl exemplifies the huge difference in education between China and Hong Kong. Netizens questioned Hong Kong people about Dian Jiaozai: They are all fighting (picture source: stills from TVB’s “Kiss My Good Mom”)

The views and opinions of China and Hong Kong are often different. Therefore, when everyone faces the same problem, their methods of handling and solving the problem are naturally completely different. Earlier, a mainland mother living in Hong Kong posted a post on a social platform, saying that sometimes she really “want to know how Hong Kong people educate their children” because she encountered completely opposite teachings in China and Hong Kong. The method made her wonder why the children raised by Hong Kong people have some traits that are rare in the mainland. The author’s post attracted a lot of heated discussion among netizens. One Hong Kong netizen even admitted that the reason why Hong Kong children have an advantage is because “they are all typed”!

A mainland girl posted a message asking Hong Kong parents to educate their children (picture source: stills from TVB's A mainland girl posted a message asking Hong Kong parents to educate their children (picture source: stills from TVB's

A mainland girl posted a message asking Hong Kong parents to educate their children (picture source: stills from TVB’s “Kiss My Good Mom”)

Mainland girl praises Hong Kong children for being lively and polite

Earlier, a mainland mother who had a daughter in Hong Kong posted a post on Xiaohongshu with the blunt title “I would like to know how Hong Kong people educate their children.” She said that because she traveled between Shenzhen and Hong Kong recently, she discovered that parents in China and Hong Kong have different methods of educating their children. The author said that children in Hong Kong are generally more polite. For example, “when encountering cats and dogs, they will ask their owners if they can pet them. When they encounter people in need of help on the subway, they will also offer their seats.” She also pointed out that although some people say that children in Hong Kong are “too well-behaved”, she believes that they are “qualified on the outside and have a sense of distance, but they are also lively and do not affect the wild ideas in their minds.”

1 Case comparison of education in China and Hong Kong

After praising Hong Kong children, the author cited an example to compare education in China and Hong Kong. She said that she had personally seen mainland mothers openly educating their children on the subway in Shenzhen. She said that there was a mother with a little boy about 7 or 8 years old. The boy was walking back and forth in the carriage because he was restless. Her mother suddenly pulled the child away in anger and said loudly, “Do you know how to stand?” “Okay”, and “From accusing the children of acting around outside, to talking about how hard it is for me and why the children can’t understand her, to saying that you have to rely on yourself in the future, and your mother can’t stay with you forever.”

Controversy continues among netizens. Hong Kong netizens: It’s all caused by typing

The author did not understand why the mainland mother “continued to talk about a small matter for four or five stops without finishing it.” “And to be honest, preaching for so long on the subway really affected the people next to me.” She also admitted frankly that “the family “Education and school are inseparable.” Therefore, I do not agree with the behavior of “blaming children in public.” A large number of netizens left messages. Some netizens disagreed with the author’s point of view, pointing out that “I have never seen children give up their seats to others” in Hong Kong. Some Hong Kong netizens responded that Hong Kong parents “are very concerned about their children’s behavior in public places.” “Behavior”, “Hong Kong parents will set correct rules for their children”, and some people even claimed that the reason why Hong Kong children are well-behaved and polite is “all played out”.

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The original article was published on AM730

2023-12-05 08:00:00
#incident #mainland #woman #exemplifies #huge #differences #education #China #Hong #Kong #Hong #Kong #people #question #Hong #Kongs #pointandshoot #netizens #big #fight

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