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The incidence value falls again – over 450 new infections

For the third day in a row, the seven-day incidence in Berlin fell. There were four other deaths.

Such is the current corona situation in the capital.

Thursday, May 20: Incidence value lower than the previous day

The incidence situation in Berlin continues to ease. For the third day in a row, the incidence value has now fallen and is 56.3. 462 new infections and four deaths were registered.

Wednesday, May 19: Incidence drops again

Also on Wednesday morning, the Berlin seven-day incidence is 61.5 lower than the day before. The RKI also reports 381 new infections and nine new deaths related to Covid-19.

Tuesday, May 18: the incidence is falling

The seven-day incidence in Berlin has decreased again. The RKI reported a value of 63.0 on Tuesday. In addition, 371 new infections were registered and there were four deaths related to Covid-19.

Monday, May 17th: the incidence value rises again

At the beginning of the week, the RKI reports an increased incidence of 68.6 for Berlin. In addition, the city’s health authorities registered 91 new infections. There were no deaths related to Covid-19.

Thanks to the fifth working day in a row with an incidence below 100, there will be the first corona easing this week in Berlin.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 175,283 people have tested positive for Sars-CoV-2 in Berlin. 3,399 of them died.

Sunday May 16: incidence almost unchanged

Compared to the previous day, the incidence value in Berlin has fallen by 0.4 points. In addition, the RKI reports 173 new infections. There were no deaths related to Covid-19.

Saturday, May 15: the incidence value fell again

On Saturday, the seven-day incidence in Berlin is below the critical 100 mark for the fourth working day in a row. At 67.3, the value is even 30 points below that of the previous week.

The Robert Koch Institute also reports 455 new infections and three deaths related to Covid-19.

Friday May 14th: Incidence continues to decline

In Berlin, the easing of the federal emergency brake is in sight. Friday marks the third working day in a row on which the corona incidence is below 100. If this holds up until Monday, the strict restrictions will be relaxed.

The value before the weekend is 71.5. The RKI also reports 155 new infections, the number of deaths published by the RKI is 71.

Thursday, May 13th: the incidence value falls again

The incidence value in Berlin will also drop on Thursday. According to the RKI, it is 83.4. There were 707 new infections and six deaths reported.

Wednesday May 12th: Incidence now well below 100

The seven-day incidence on Wednesday is 86.0 for the second day in a row below 100. So the hopes of easing at the beginning of the coming week remain for the time being.

The RKI also reports 510 registered new infections and 14 deaths in connection with Covid-19.

Tuesday, May 11th: The seven-day value drops significantly

Berliners are starting to count the days again.

On Tuesday, the Robert Koch Institute reported an incidence of 93.7. If the incidence remains below the 100 mark for five working days, the federal emergency brake no longer applies.

The number of registered new infections is 466. The number of deaths related to Covid-19 is four.

Monday, May 10th: incidence back over 100

The seven-day incidence in Berlin is 100.8 on Monday morning.

For three days the value had stayed below the 100 mark. Five working days would have been necessary to allow easing of the protective measures in the capital. So the hoped-for easing is now a long way off.

The RKI also reported 79 new infections. No new deaths were registered as of Monday.

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