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The impressive performance of Victoria Sio, who lends her voice to Valérie Lemercier

In Valérie Lemercier’s film inspired by the life of Celine Dion, a young singer, Victoria Sio, lends her voice to Aline Dieu, the fictional double of the Quebec diva.

She does not appear on screen, but her role is essential. Singer Victoria Sio lent her voice to Aline Dieu, Celine Dion’s fictional double, in Valérie Lemercier’s film, in theaters this Wednesday.

Passed by The Voice and seen in musicals like The three Musketeers Where The sun King, Victoria Sio is not a vocal double of the Quebec singer. Valérie Lemercier did not want an imitation, when she chose her from around fifty singers.

“At first, I thought I had to get really close to Celine Dion, she delivers, but Valérie, it was her wish not to imitate”.

“She was in the emotion of the scenes”

“I wanted her to put it [d’]herself, [de] her person, that’s what it took “, underlines the director and actress.” I was there all the time with her, I gave her the intention of each scene: ‘there she only sings for her mother’ , ‘there she sings to make her son laugh’, ‘there she sings for him’, ‘there he is gone, she is sad’. Each time, she was in the emotion of the scenes and even sometimes, I said to her ‘it is me that must be imitated, more than she’ “.

Valérie Lemercier also explains that she herself gave voice. “From time to time, I put two or three small breaths in a few songs of mine, the scenes more emotion, we mixed our two voices”.

“I made a small personal cocktail, confirms Victoria Sio. I was inspired a lot by Celine Dion, obviously. I also listened a lot to Valérie, her intonations, how she breathed, what were her voice frequencies. J ‘I also put a little bit of my grain in it, and then it gave Aline’s voice “. A job so delicate that it took a lot of rehearsing.

“We sometimes remade songs 15-20 times, testifies Victoria Sio.” Because both of us are very picky, we are extremely perfectionists, the studio sessions were often long. We had a new working method, because she too is the first time she has directed a singer. And finally, she directed me like she directed her actors in her film, in the studio, in relation to the music. And we got along very well, ”says the singer.

Magali Rangin with Claire Fleury and Jean-Marie Marchaut

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