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The impossible campaign of Christelle Luisier

As soon as Minister Jacqueline de Quattro, who became national councilor, was announced, Payerne’s union, Christelle Luisier, took on the role of favorite, the vacant seat not being pleaded by any other government party. But the campaign quickly took an unexpected turn with the advent of one, then two, then three atypical candidates and Christelle Luisier to learn to walk a thread in a balancing act. Indeed, not giving oneself up would pass on your part for arrogance and would run the risk of losing votes, while campaigning by using great means would give the feeling of shooting flies with a cannon.

Four candidates for a left-wing majority college

They are therefore now four to beat the iron by confronting their ideas in the media, hoping to be elected on February 9 to the Vaud State Council to complete a government college with a left majority (three socialists, one Green and two PLR). Among them, the entrepreneur Toto Morand, under the banner Party of nothing, presents himself for the third time. In 2017, he had gathered nearly 10% of the votes in the second round and his recent fight won over the Flon forest in Lausanne will certainly support him. Facing him and for the first time in French-speaking Switzerland, a candidate for the Pirate Party, Jean-Marc Vandel. His main fight is about a humanist use of new technologies, respectful of the individual. The candidates for the climate strike present Juliette Vernier, drawn to represent them in the race for the Castle. It is supported by the SolidaritéS group and the Greens. Finally, Christelle Luisier, Payerne union member for ten years and PLR deputy, presented as the natural successor of a center-right minister, in a canton with a majority on the right.

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