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The important role of vitamin C in the body is not only to maintain immunity

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Nutritionist Rita Ramayulis said that our bodies have Innate (born from birth) and Adaptive (acquired after birth, for example due to infection or vaccination) immune systems. The body’s immune system needs to be maintained in order to stay strong. “The guard is a number of nutrients such as protein, Vitamin C, Zinc, Iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin D. Well, this guard is what we call bodyguard, “he said at the launch of SDC-1000 Fresh Cold on May 3, 2021.

At any time, our bodies get attacks from free radicals and other foreign objects that enter the body. Rita also reminds us that intense activity will give various psychological stresses which of course will affect the body’s physiology. Not only that, this pressure can also cause physiological and psychological stress that will produce various free radical compounds, including from our body’s activities such as breathing. He also said that another contributing factor is the insufficient quality and quantity of sleep. Therefore, in addition to consuming foods with balanced nutrition, intake of ‘bodyguard’ is needed so that the body’s condition is better maintained. “Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin which when it is excess in the body will indeed be excreted and cannot be stored. Therefore, indeed we must meet the needs of vitamin C every day. Each person needs about 1.5 g of vitamin C per kg, “he said.

Vitamin C itself has an important role in maintaining the condition of the body, such as protecting body cells from free radicals, is one of the main components in building body collagen which is responsible for all connective tissue structures in the body, and plays a role in maintaining bone connective tissue. Not only that, various studies also explain that the availability of sufficient vitamin C in the body will reduce the severity of respiratory-related diseases. Vitamin C also helps increase iron absorption in the body so that it helps bone growth and brain work.

SDC-1000 Cold Fresh Launch on May 3, 2021 / Wings

Marketing Manager for Powdered Drinks Wings Group, The Budi Santoso, said that the public, especially the younger generation, are required to be more productive, especially during the pandemic because meeting rooms are limited, but demand more results. Creativity, mental and physical are really tested to continue to compete in this new normal era. He gave an example of office workers who have to deal with deadlines, overtime, work pressure, and others, both when working from home and who already have to come to the office. They also need health supplements that are practical and affordable and can be consumed in a way and taste they like. “Therefore, we launched Fresh Cold SDC-1000 which contains vitamin C, honey and mint extract as bodyguards so that our younger generations can become anti-drop generation,” said Budi.

Health supplement drinks are available in two flavors, namely orange and lime which contains vitamin C with properties to maintain endurance, honey which has been proven to strengthen immunity, and mint extract which is rich in antioxidants that can help ward off free radicals. Through this launching event, Fresh Cold SDC-1000 would like to invite the younger generation to do all their busy activities with a healthy body and mind condition, so that they can lead a pleasant and productive life.

The singer graduated from one of the talent search events Fatin Shidqia tells about his busy daily activities and how to outsmart the body’s condition so that it is always in good shape. “In the midst of my busy life as a singer, making Youtube content, and so on, I am often faced with deadlines. I have to be smart for time so that I can do everything well. Not to mention the time to do my hobby so I don’t get stressed. So, so I don’t get tired and don’t get sick easily, I always take health supplements like Vitamin C, because it really helps me maintain my immune system, ”said the singer who likes Japanese nuances.

Read: Diligent consumption of vitamin C, Sandra Dewi never gets canker sores and rarely gets the flu

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