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The Importance of Vaccination in Protecting Yourself and Your Loved Ones

A healthy lifestyle is always a good choice when we talk about protecting our health throughout life. Unfortunately, there are viruses that we cannot fight only through a proper diet or regular exercise, and precisely because of this, correct information about the prevention of certain diseases through vaccination is the key to protecting ourselves and our loved ones .

We protect our family and the entire community

According to WHO (World Health Organization) estimates, vaccination annually saves the lives of more than 3 million people worldwide. It is also important to know that immunizations can protect even the unvaccinated by stopping the spread of infectious diseases when there are enough vaccinated people in a community. The safety of the vaccination is ensured by the multiple stages of control, the studies done before the vaccine is licensed, as well as the adverse reaction monitoring systems. “Vaccination is the most important proof of social altruism. By vaccinating, we primarily protect ourselves, but we also protect those around us. We protect pregnant women who cannot take certain vaccines themselves. We protect children who are too young to be vaccinated against certain diseases. We protect people with serious illnesses who cannot be vaccinated at that time. For all these categories of people, infectious diseases, preventable by vaccination, can cause important complications, even deaths, because we are talking about patients with a weak immune system. Vaccination still remains the most important way to prevent infectious-contagious diseases and practically the only one that has proven effective in terms of eradicating some of these diseases,” says doctor Cosmina Berbecel.

What is a vaccine?

The vaccine is a biological preparation that contains killed or attenuated microorganisms or their fragments. Following the administration of the vaccine, an immune (defence) response occurs, which protects us against disease produced by pathogenic microorganisms. Vaccination and the term vaccine were introduced by Edward Jenner, an English physician who performed the first immunization against smallpox in 1796. Vaccines are safer and more effective than most medicinal products, and their production is extremely carefully controlled. Although rare, vaccination contraindications must be followed according to medical indications.

You know it will be good!

The most important step to take is to inform yourself correctly. Whether you are a new mother and are first coming into contact with the vaccination schedule for your baby, or you want to find out which vaccines are suitable for adults of any age, your family doctor or general practitioner should be your source of information about vaccination. They are able to answer all your questions about recommended vaccination schedules. In support of this necessary step in your life, the Ministry of Health is conducting an information and awareness campaign on vaccination for all age groups and useful information on the subject, answers to questions and many other materials can be found on www.provaccin.ro

2023-10-04 12:26:12
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