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The Importance of User Choice in Oslo’s Home Care Services

LAMBERTSETER (Dagbladet): – Every other Tuesday at 08.50 precisely, the doorbell rings. Then flippin’ Ravena from Norlandia comes and helps me. She changes the bed, makes sure the water in the dryer is emptied and knows everything she has to do. Before that, it was Dita from Latvia. I am so satisfied, says Leif A. Lier.

The former police investigator is now 84 years old and his bones are weak. He needs help with practical things at home.

– I broke my femur and had prostate surgery many years ago. Everything above the navel is great, while everything below is just ass, laughs Lier sitting in the easy chair next to the walker.

There is now a crisis with the three private providers and one non-profit, Diakonhjemmet, which provides home care services in Oslo municipality, as Dagbladet has previously written about.

All of them say that they are currently making big losses due to insufficient compensation with today’s tender. Now a new tender has been announced with a deadline of 18 September, which will apply from April next year.

Now both the Diakonhjemmet and the three private ones are counting on the buttons whether it is possible to continue operating in Oslo. The signals are clear: the tender that the Labor Party council in Oslo has put out is too bad. It is not possible to take home a profit.

Oslo: End of free user choice

Miserable experiences with the municipality

Leif A. Lier has experience with municipal home care from the time his wife lived at home. She lived in a municipal nursing home in the last years of her life, which was a very good offer, says Lier. But the home nursing care provided by the municipality was not good enough.

– They never came when they were supposed to and different people came all the time. Then we replaced the municipal home care with Oslo Health and Care (later acquired by Norlandia, journ.anm.). It worked great. They arrived exactly on time. A lady always came, my wife did not want to be looked after by a man, says Lier about the municipal home service when the Conservatives ruled the city.

When he needed help himself, he chose Norlandia and now fears that it could be the end if the private individuals escape Oslo.

– I’m afraid. If Raymond continues, I’m afraid it will go west. He’s lost his bearings, Leif A. Lier languishes.

It is worth mentioning here that Lier has not only been one of Norway’s most high-profile homicide investigators, but also a Conservative politician in Oslo for a number of years.

– I don’t want the municipality back here. My experience is that they don’t come when they’re supposed to and that you get different people all the time. I was told by the nursing home agency in Nordstrand district that it was not possible to get the same one every time because of the rotation, says Lier, and takes a breath.

– Then I have to explain everything to be done to a new person every time, then! It’s so tiring. It’s so lovely the way it is today.

– FREEDOM OF CHOICE: Leif A. Lier addresses Norlandia director Ida Eide (right) and team leader Tuva Pedersen. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet Show more

The Board of Health: – Glad Leif is satisfied

Health councilor Marthe Scharning Lund (Ap) says everything will continue as before, if the Labor Party wins the election.

– I am happy that Leif is satisfied with Oslo municipality’s arrangement that he can choose who comes to his home. My goal is for this scheme to continue, so that Leif can continue to have Ravena, says Scharning Lund, and reprimands those who think the city council is letting down the private sector.

– It is unreasonable and wrong that we try to squeeze out the providers here, when we are actually doing the opposite. We are strengthening the financial conditions considerably. The agreement that has been put on the table is an agreement that is considerably better for the providers than the current agreement. We are putting NOK 35 million more on the table in this agreement. That is a whopping 11 percent increase compared to the current agreement, says the health board.

Finally, she makes the following promise:

– Everyone who receives home services in Oslo must be confident that they will receive good follow-up from the municipality, or another provider, if the company they use today decides not to participate anymore. The municipality will always stand up.

– Important with right of exchange

It is Norlandia that has invited Dagbladet to meet one of its users in the capital.

– You were lucky enough to invite us to a satisfied user?

Norlandia director Ida Eide and team leader Tuva Pedersen laugh.

– In the discussion about the value of free user choice, the intrinsic value of having an exchange right does not come across well enough. If you are not satisfied with Norlandia, you can switch to one of our private competitors, Diakonhjemmet or municipal home care. The exchange right is also about the users having autonomy and getting to be the boss in their own lives, that’s what we want, says Eide.

– We hear the story Leif A. Lier tells time and time again: that people switch to us because they are dissatisfied and then we have to work hard to make them satisfied, says team leader Tuva Pedersen.

PROMISES: Leif A. Lier gets Frp politicians Magnus Birkelund and Julianne Ofstad to promise that he can keep his Ravena. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet Show more

FRP promises to withdraw the tender

Norlandia has hit the big drum and not only featured Leif A. Lier as a satisfied user and its own director and team leader. Also on the visit are two of Frp’s Oslo leaders in the election, Magnus Birkelund and Julianne Ofstad.

– It is a great value that you can choose who provides assistance in your own home. This could be a thing of the past in Oslo, if the city council does not withdraw the tender. Then there is an end to free user choice, says Julianne Ofstad, and is immediately followed up by Leif A. Lier:

– Then there will be a lot of problems. I fear it! breaks in Lier.

Ofstad takes over again.

– If we are to have real freedom of choice in the services, it is crucial that everyone gets information about who they can choose from. We will therefore reintroduce user and relative surveys in elderly care.

Magnus Birkelund promises to take action immediately if the FRP gains influence after the election.

– When we hear how satisfied you are, Leif, this must continue. That you have someone coming who knows you and your apartment and knows exactly what to do, says Magnus Birkelund.

– It is you who have to fix it after the election, says Leif A. Lier and smiles.

2023-09-04 20:21:14

#Straight #west #Raymond

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