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The Importance of Twitter as an Emergency Information Source and the Risk of Losing It

One of the reasons why Twitter has become such a successful service is that helps us to stay up-to-date quickly and effectively. To this end, the role of the media that has a presence on the Internet is very important, of course, but other very diverse sources are also added to this, which, in most cases, extend the information coverage much further. than the media alone could do for themselves. Such is the point that, in reality, more and more often the media themselves are also fed from these other sources.

We do not have to go very far to verify it, since we ourselves echo information that sees the light through Twitter. Whether they are official announcements made by executives, corporate accounts or involved parties, or whether they are leaks originating from accounts that have already proven their reliability in the past, the very nature of this service, with short and concise messages (although this has already changed, at least for Twitter Blue users), and the great reach they can get, allow us to use this network as an informative teletype if we choose the sources well.

One type of information that has always been quite successful on Twitter is that related to natural phenomena, accidents and other emergency situations. Meteorological agencies, security bodies and forces, entities that monitor risks in certain areas… the list is huge, and the information they provide in real time can make a big difference to the lives of many people who may be affected by such emergencies. .

This, however, has begun to change. As you will remember, a few months ago we told you about Elon Musk’s plans to start charging for all uses of the Twitter API. He claimed, to justify it, that it was the best system to kill bots, although pointed out that good bots would not be affected by this measure. And if we have learned anything from Musk over time, it is that when he says one thing, we can be clear that reality will point in the opposite direction. Establishing himself as the great champion of freedom of expression to then censor journalists is the best example of this, but not the only one.

just as we can read in mashablethe new rules (and prices) of the API, have caused many services to no longer be able to post their emergency notices on Twitter. The publication, being American, focuses on some of the affected services in that country and that have already publicly reported this limitation, but let us be very clear that the changes with respect to the API are global, so all services of all countries will be affected in the same way.

The fight against bots is understandable, and Musk’s efforts to recoup at least some of the investment made to buy Twitter also fits the bill. However, depriving the social network of one of its most useful functions (I’m talking utility, not entertainment) becomes one of the already multiple losses in value that Twitter has experienced since the purchase was completed.

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