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The Importance of Training Your Team on Cyber Security

Cyberattacks on companies are on the rise, with around 4,000 attempts made per day since the beginning of the pandemic. Unfortunately, many companies are not able to defend themselves against such attacks, with 43% of these being small businesses that may never be able to recover. Here are the top reasons why it is more important than ever to train your team on cybersecurity.

Protect Your Data

The reason hackers want to steal data is often to hold it for ransom, known as a ransomware attack, which has quickly become one of the most popular forms of cyberattack. These data breaches are a real problem in society today with, in some cases, millions of customers’ data being stolen, resulting in tens of thousands in expenses for businesses. Most data breaches have been caused by human error or negligence; however, it is unfair to blame the team involved if they have never been trained on such a risk.

Build a Culture of Security

Having a secure culture will benefit all stakeholders involved since customers will trust a brand with an emphasis on security as it is their data that you will be handling. The employees will also benefit since they also need to have trust and job security. Finally, the company as a whole will be rewarded from having a culture of security by maintaining loyal customers and retaining long-term team members to help the business thrive and remain safe from attack.

BYOD Security

Lots of employees bring their own devices to work. This is fine, as it gives employees a chance to access their apps and play games online during breaks, such as visits to an online Casino Canada. However, if you allow employees to use their own devices at work, you must implement measures such as data encryption and cloud storage. It’s also wise to educate employees on the dangers of malicious apps.

Help to Be a Responsible Business

Many cyberattacks on businesses have been linked closely to other companies since the threat of attack is greater with every company that falls victim. This is why it is not only important for your business to be trained on the prevention of cyberattacks, but it is also the socially responsible thing to do for the companies that surround you, along with your customers, suppliers, and anyone else involved.

Help Support Technological Defenses

Nearly every business will have some form of technological defense systems in place already, however, without employees being trained on cybersecurity, these systems are less robust and hackers can easily surpass their intelligence by utilising social engineering tactics. It is important to have protected networks, but attackers are rarely looking at getting through these barriers as the only way in and training your team can be much more valuable.

Hopefully, these reasons have been enough to convince you that cybersecurity training is necessary for all businesses, no matter how great the technological defenses are or how much employee loyalty you already have. Companies need to move with the times, and since hackers have many ways to attack, businesses need to get better at knowing how to prevent such attacks.

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