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The Importance of Sending a Welcome Email to New Subscribers

With a welcome email, you have the opportunity to greet new subscribers to your newsletter appropriately and to make it clear to them what they can expect. Here we show you what this welcome email should contain and why you should not do without it.

Automatically greet new subscribers who have signed up for your newsletter or email list? It sounds very impersonal at first, but it makes sense in many cases. This is not a confirmation message about the success of the registration, but about what the subscriber can expect from the newsletter. This makes it immediately clear what the future newsletter will offer and what advantages the readers (can) have from it. But what should such a welcome email contain? And why can such an email pay off for you in the end?

Why you should send a welcome email

It is definitely worth sending a welcome email and thus “picking up” new subscribers directly. Experience has shown that such e-mails are opened many times and therefore offer great potential that you should not give away. Even if it takes some effort to write and design such a message, you should put in the effort.

If this is opened AND can convince the readers, you give yourself a clear advantage over the competition, who do not take this measure or do not implement it professionally enough. Ideally, you already offer incentives for the readers in the welcome message or teasers what they can expect in the future and what problems you can help them with. This gives subscribers the immediate feeling that their registration was worthwhile and leaves them with a good feeling.

What does a welcome email for new subscribers include?

You can already strengthen the relationship with new subscribers with the first email and ensure that they immediately have a good feeling. However, this only works if this first email is really well written and precisely worded. It should therefore primarily contain all the important elements of a welcome email. These include, for example, these aspects:

  • concrete idea and presentation of your brand
  • Presentation of the respective offer
  • Understanding for subscribers
  • clear expectations for subsequent emails

The last point is particularly important. Subscribers should know what will be in the following emails and also how often they will be sent. This ensures the necessary transparency.

What is the purpose of welcome emails?

In this case, an e-mail is not only used to greet new subscribers. It offers so much more potential and can optimize the first impression and provides advantages in different ways that you can use.

First performance

Of course you can introduce yourself and your brand in the first e-mail and the subscribers know directly what to expect and who is actually behind the company. This can be useful if, for example, you want to emphasize the values ​​your company lives by or show what distinguishes your brand.

Another recommendation: Show the new subscribers directly what options there are and how you can solve their problems.

Thank you for your interest

You also have the chance to say thank you for the interest and to show that you are happy that the newsletter was subscribed to at all. This may only be a small thing, but it can make a big difference – and makes your appreciation clear.

Inform about what is to come

You can and should also inform your new subscribers in the first email about what content to expect in the future. Do you only promote offers, do you provide important details and tips or something completely different? Then share this with your readers. Not every subscriber knows in advance what to expect – and you should change that with the welcome email.

This is how you can convince and score with a welcome e-mail

A welcome email is often actually opened after subscribers have opted for the newsletter. You should never give away this potential. Therefore, the motto is: Make an impression and convince all along the line!

An individual and as personal as possible presentation is suitable for this. So address the readers by their name, formulate it in an appealing and personal way. It is therefore advisable to formulate different mail templates for the greeting – and to send them depending on gender, location and Co. The time of the newsletter registration could also be a factor for a different content – for example in the respective address.

You should request the necessary data in advance and in any case send them to yourself by double-Opt-In

With the opt-in model, the user actively agrees to receive emails. The mass sending of promotional e-mails is not permitted in Germany without the recipient opting in.

” href=” target=”_blank”>Confirm opt-in. Only then can you use this data safely.

Tips for better welcome emails to your customers

Your welcome email can account for around six percent of monthly online sales. On average. Ideally, it is even ten or more percent. At least if you believe statistics. But even if it should be a lower value: The potential is certainly there!

Therefore, some tips and hints can certainly be helpful. Let’s start with subscribing to the newsletter:

Registration – simple and yet informative

Certainly the option to register should be kept simple and make it easy for the new subscribers to register. But: You should perhaps not only ask for the name and e-mail address, but also “collect” further details. Hobbies, for example, the date of birth or clothing sizes, if these are perhaps relevant to your offer.

Pay attention to the subject

It also depends on the subject of your welcome email. After all, you want the readers to actually open them. Therefore, the subject should be interesting and arouse curiosity. For example, if you promise a discount code, this may be tempting – and a first order often follows.

Ask the subscribers specifically

Since the e-mail is often actually opened as a greeting, you can and should directly ask the reader to do something. The call-to-action is then particularly important and you can, for example, encourage people to visit the online shop or get in touch.

All in all, you can gain a great advantage with a professional email to welcome new subscribers and build a first relationship directly. It doesn’t take much to do this, but the success is often immense. Therefore, you should not do without an e-mail for new subscribers and show them all the advantages that you can offer them.

2023-06-28 08:17:13

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