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The Importance of School Insurance: Ensuring the Safety of Students and Protecting Against Risks

In “Charles Matin” this Monday on RMC and RMC Story, Emmanuel Lechypre takes stock of one of the topics for the start of the school year, school insurance.

Back to school is not only school supplies, it is also a subject that is too often treated as a formality: school insurance.

It’s not very expensive, it’s not mandatory, so we sign and we forget. And yet, the issue is important since it makes it possible to take charge of the damage suffered or caused by a pupil during school and extracurricular time.

A child is not obliged to be insured during school time and the compulsory and free activities defined in the school program: class, recreation, outings within the framework of PE lessons, etc.

On the other hand, the other optional activities such as the canteen, outdoor classes, an outing to the museum, to the cinema, a picnic, are times when the child must be compulsorily insured.

News&episode_published_at=2023-09-04T04%3A30%3A33&episode_title=Manu+conso+%3A+Rentr%C3%A9e+scolaire%2C+l%27importance+de+l%27assurance+scolaire+-+04%2F09&network=243043218706&podcast_title=Charles+Matin" data-img-src="https://images.bfmtv.com/nrTNcN_JJU1hUUOH04rVpWmMdTs=/0x0:0x0/180x0/podcast/podcasts/principale-106_3.jpg" data-title="Manu conso : Rentrée scolaire, l'importance de l'assurance scolaire - 04/09" data-id="202309040073" data-podcast-nom="Charles Matin">Manu conso: Back to school, the importance of school insurance – 04/09

The children are already insured by the multi-risk home insurance of the parents, but this guarantee covers the child only for the damage that he could cause to third parties, but not those that he could suffer.

In addition, in the event of a problem, the insurer behind the home insurance contract will often ask for a large deductible before settling the costs. In school insurance, this deductible is most often absent or reduced.

Between 10 and 30€ per child and per year

How much does school insurance cost? It is necessary to count between 10 and 30€ per child and per year, depending on the options chosen, according to the constrained expense comparator site Les Furets. 27% of parents are looking for the best guarantees for their child(ren) and 19% would prefer the cheapest insurance, according to the study conducted by FLOA (payment facilities platform) with YouGov,

What guarantees do parents ask for in priority? Medical expenses, material damage, classic, but a new risk is emerging: school bullying, with 34% of parents who would like protection against this risk.

2023-09-04 05:52:16
#school #school #insurance

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