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“The Importance of Proper Plum Tree Care for a Bountiful Harvest – Tips and Techniques”

Proper tree care is a guarantee of a good harvest

Plum blossom begins in mid-May and may continue until early June. At this time, you can clearly see which parts of the tree could not survive the winter and dried up, and you can also determine which branches refuse to bear fruit.

To ensure draining by forces, you can carry out a small pruning of the tree and first remove dry branches. Also, you should remove those shoots and branches that thicken the crown too much and prevent free air circulation. In addition, you can remove those branches that have remained barren.

When fruits form on the plum, you need to remove all young vertical shoots that come from the trunk or branches. It is not necessary to cut them off, as they are perfectly cleaned just with your fingers. At the same time, horizontal shoots should be left, since fruit-bearing branches will develop from them.

In the future, in the fall, another pruning should be carried out, during which the tree must be prepared for the winter. To do this, remove too long branches and shorten the central trunk.

Pruning is done after the tree has shed its leaves. All large sections must be treated with garden pitch. Autumn pruning is done in order to protect plums from breaking. If the winter turns out to be too snowy, then the branches may not withstand the weight of the snow cover and break.

However, the most important is the spring pruning of the tree. At this time, you can form a crown, remove excess shoots that grow inside the tree to the trunk and thereby interfere with the free circulation of air. In addition to thinning the crown, it is necessary to remove all dead or diseased branches. Also, last year’s growth on the trunk and shoots should be shortened.

Many are afraid to shorten the branches, believing that in this way they will deprive the tree of a significant part of the crop. However, it is not. It is on well-groomed, neatly trimmed branches that fruit ovaries will intensively form.

And if everything is left to chance and not pruned on time, then every year the yield of the tree will fall and eventually come to naught.

Source: ogorod.ru

Photo source: freepik.com

2023-05-22 18:30:25
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