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The importance of prevention – Plan B News

The World Health Organization (WHO) designated October as global breast cancer awareness month. The goal is to increase care and support for early detection and timely treatment of the disease, which is the most common among women worldwide. Most cases are diagnosed in advanced stages, so early detection and appropriate treatment are crucial to improve patients’ quality of life and survival rates.

On the subject, Cintia Zalabardo, Undersecretary of Social and Community Health of the Ministry of Health, told the Provincial News Agency that October “was consolidated as breast cancer awareness month, a crucial time to intensify efforts in prevention and early detection of this disease. From the Provincial Cancer Committee and through the Breast Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Program of the Ministry of Health, throughout the year, various activities and strategies are carried out that guarantee access to information and health services, as well as promote timely detection. However, this month, it offers the opportunity to expand the message about the importance of early detection, which is essential, since it allows the disease to be identified in its early stages, when treatment options are most effective.

The official added that throughout this month “awareness campaigns will be carried out that include informative talks, distribution of educational materials and the promotion of medical check-ups. These initiatives not only seek to provide information to women about risk factors and warning signs, but also foster a supportive community environment, where the conversation about breast health is consolidated and the taboos surrounding the disease are eliminated. .

In addition to raising awareness, October is a call to action for every person to get involved in the fight against breast cancer. “Collaboration between health institutions, non-governmental organizations and the community at large is essential to create a comprehensive approach that addresses both prevention and treatment. By joining forces, we can guarantee that more women have access to the information necessary to take care of their health,” said the official.

“Detect in time, build hope”
Throughout the month of October, the provincial Healthcare Establishments will carry out various activities, such as informative talks, active waiting rooms, community meetings, sports activities, free mammograms, among other actions that aim to educate the population about importance of periodic check-ups and early detection of breast cancer.

Zalabardo added that from the Undersecretariat of Social and Community Health, “a cycle of talks was started under the motto “Talk about Cancer”, with the intention of developing a unified campaign that includes a simple artistic intervention in different towns in the Pampas. Seeking to make visible through urban art, a network of awareness and awareness about breast cancer. Using art as a tool to raise awareness will help amplify the message of prevention, care and support” he concluded.



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