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The Importance of Preventing Transmission From Early Childhood


World Hepatitis Day falls today, July 28, 2022. As you know, Hepatitis is an infectious disease. This disease that attacks the liver is still a public health problem in many countries, including Indonesia.

To raise public awareness of the dangers of Hepatitis, the world health organization, World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA) launched a global campaign themed I Can’t Wait on the commemoration of World Hepatitis Day, Mother.

This campaign aims to spread important information about the dangers of Hepatitis and invites the whole community to increase efforts to treat Hepatitis throughout the world because Hepatitis ‘cannot wait’.



Hepatitis can cause death

Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of the liver caused by a viral infection and can be contagious. For you to know, the cases that often occur in Indonesia are infections from Hepatitis A, B, and C viruses.

Hepatitis A is transmitted through: fecal-oral. So, the virus enters the mouth through food or objects that have been contaminated. Meanwhile, Hepatitis B and C are transmitted through the exchange of blood or body fluids that have been infected with the virus.

Hepatitis attacks liver function which can cause health problems and even cause liver cancer. If not treated properly, this disease can potentially cause death.

Hepatitis prevalence mostly affects children

Data from WHO states, every 30 seconds there is 1 person who dies from diseases related to Hepatitis.

Meanwhile, the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia noted that the prevalence of Hepatitis B in Indonesia reached 7.1 percent or around 18 million cases, the highest prevalence rate when compared to other Southeast Asian countries, Bunda.

In addition, the prevalence of Hepatitis C reached 2.34 percent or about 6 million cases, the highest prevalence rate after Myanmar and Thailand among other Southeast Asian countries.

Furthermore, the 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) report stated that the highest prevalence of hepatitis cases in Indonesia occurred in children in the 5-14 year age group.

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Check out the video regarding IDAI’s explanation regarding how the mysterious hepatitis is transmitted, below:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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