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The Importance of Oral Hygiene and Dental Care for Pregnant Women

Written by Mervat Rashad Tuesday, 04 July 2023 06:00 PM

Most of us don’t know that Dental Care One of the main factors for maintaining public health under control, and pregnant women can face a health problem once they neglect oral health care, and in this report we review ways to maintain oral hygiene and its importance in daily life, according to what was published by healthshots.

Why is oral hygiene important?

The oral cavity allows bacteria to multiply in the mouth, and without proper brushing, these bacteria have a great chance to multiply, which poses health risks in severe cases, and they can enter the bloodstream, leading to various health problems.

In a recent study, it was found that poor oral health in pregnant women is associated with an increased risk of premature birth, as neglecting nighttime brushing allows food particles to remain trapped between the teeth, which leads to fermentation overnight. This fermentation promotes the growth of bacteria in the mouth.

What do you do to maintain oral hygiene?

1. Brush your teeth after breakfast

It is recommended to brush teeth immediately after breakfast rather than doing it early in the morning after waking up, allowing saliva to neutralize the acids first, rinse your mouth, and eat breakfast.

2. Don’t skip brushing before bed

Brush your teeth twice a day, brushing after dinner helps maintain oral hygiene by helping us get rid of germs that have accumulated throughout the day.

3. Regular dental check-ups

Regular dental check-ups every 7 to 8 months are essential to maintaining optimal oral health, provided there are no additional problems such as gum disease or tooth damage.

4. Use floss and mouthwash

While it is recommended to brush after every meal and drink, including coffee or tea, waiting 10 minutes after eating allows the oral temperature to return to normal, flossing after dinner is essential to a thorough oral hygiene . Using mouthwash is an important part of maintaining oral hygiene.

5. Limit eating foods that damage your teeth

To maintain effective oral hygiene, it is necessary to regularly limit the consumption of food containing refined sugar, soft drinks, and chocolate. It is a misconception that drinking milk helps build strong teeth, but this only applies until the age of 5.

2023-07-04 15:00:00

#Tips #maintain #oral #hygiene #white #teeth

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