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The Importance of Iron Supplementation for Women during Menstruation

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During menstruation, women not only lose iron but also experience basal loss, so in total, women experience a loss of iron of 1.25 mg per day. The volume of blood that comes out every month is around 30-50 cc.

During the menstrual period, hemoglobin levels are in the range of 10.4-10.5 g% with mild anemia category and will decrease during the menstrual period by 0.4-1.27 gr%. This condition causes women to experience anemia. A lot of blood loss plays a role in the occurrence of anemia, because women do not have sufficient supplies of Fe and absorption of Fe into the body cannot replace the loss of Fe during menstruation.

Anemia is characterized by a lower concentration of hemoglobin than the threshold value caused by low production of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and Hb, increased destruction of erythrocytes or excessive blood loss. If a deficiency of iron nutrition can cause anemia which has a negative impact on young women, namely, among others, lowering the body’s resistance so that sufferers of anemia are susceptible to infectious diseases, decreased fitness and mental agility due to lack of oxygen to muscle cells and brain cells, decreased learning achievement and work productivity or performance.

The response that is often encountered is 5 L (sluggish, tired, weak, tired, inattentive), accompanied by headaches and dizziness (“turning heads”), dizzy eyes, easily drowsy, tired quickly and have difficulty concentrating. Clinically characterized by “pallor” of the face, eyelids, lips, skin, nails and palms.

Adolescent girls at SMAN 2 Situbondo receive Fe tablets every week for consumption, but from the data obtained in January 2023 there were 103 female students (56.5%) who experienced anemia.

Regulation of the Minister of Health No. 88 of 2014 has determined the dose of Fe tablet supplementation in women of childbearing age (including teenagers) is 1 tablet every week and 1 tablet every day during menstruation. Not only with supplementation, but balanced with increasing intake of food sources of iron with a balanced nutritional diet, which consists of a variety of foods, especially animal food sources that are rich in iron (heme iron) in sufficient quantities according to the RDA. In addition, it is also necessary to increase plant food sources that are rich in iron (non-heme iron), even though absorption is lower than that of animal origin. Foods that are rich in iron sources come from animals, for example liver, fish, meat and poultry, while those from vegetables, namely dark green vegetables and nuts.

The reasons for young women not taking Fe tablets are because of the fishy smell, feeling nauseous, causing a dislike of Fe tablets. Factors that trigger absorption can be obtained from consuming vegetables and fruit rich in vitamin C, while factors inhibiting iron absorption are caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea and soft drinks.

Supplementation of Blood Supplement Tablets (TTD) in young women and women of childbearing age is one of the Indonesian government’s efforts to meet iron intake. Giving iron tablets at the right dose can prevent anemia and increase iron reserves in the body

2023-08-29 16:31:00
#Efforts #Prevent #Decreased #Hemoglobin #Levels #Menstruation #Young #Girls #SMAN #Situbondo #Kompasiana.com #Kompasiana.com

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