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The Importance of Introducing Books to Children: Recommendations by Integra Foundation

The next April 23rda new version of the International Book Day and Copyright, a milestone that will mark the closure of various activities carried out during the month in schools, universities, libraries, cultural centers and various public spaces, which seek to highlight the importance of bringing together and promoting in the community the relationship between books and readers.

In this scenario, preschool education plays a rol fundamental, since here girls and boys have their first approaches to books. From Integra Foundation They point out that, approximately, from the six months you can begin to familiarize girls and boys with books, with texts for them to explore with all your senses always accompanied by an adult, describing the images observed and the actions carried out by the child.

Another recommendation is that adults read the text before sharing it with the children, looking for a quiet and uninterrupted moment for reading as much as possible, showing the illustrations, reading naturally, enjoying that moment, answering the questions that arise and giving the possibility to reread the text as many times as the boy or girl wants.

From the Integra Foundation Education Department, recalled that the approach to quality texts is essential to strengthen equity and equality in our society. When boys and girls have the opportunity to grow in contact with different types of books, they increase their vocabulary, enhance their creativity and imagination, broadening their cultural horizon by learning about places, situations and people through text.


Just as boys and girls have different needs during their early years, their approach to books must also consider these factors, as there are multiple formats, sizes, and materials that allow responding to these needs. For boys and girls of zero to two yearsmaterial books are recommended washable and easy handlingas far as possible that they have textures, clear images and that encourage the toddlers to explore them independently.

Between the two and four yearsit is favorable to offer books of various materials, incorporating a greater number of texts according to their periods of attention and concentration, while, for the age range of four to six yearsyou can choose different extensions, contents and illustrations, varying the offer: for example, texts of stories, poetry, legends or children’s encyclopedias.

Lastly, and as pointed out by the Integra Foundation Education Department, in order to move towards equal rights and opportunities, it is essential to create conditions that guarantee access to the culture of books from the earliest stagesunderstanding that this is an opportunity that allows the integral development of citizens.

Integra Foundationwith 32 years of experience, is one of the main preschool education providers in the country, with more than 1,200 kindergartens and free nursery schoolswho attend more than 85 thousand boys and girls throughout Chile.

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