“It is time to give a voice back to the victims of accidents at work”, we insisted during the 49 e Congress of the National Federation of Injured Workers and the Disabled (Fnath), which met in Montmarault.
“Health at work has never been at the heart of political debates, but also of the concerns of our fellow citizens. However, the rights of victims of work are declining. The few improvements announced are pure communication,” he lamented.
Medal and tribute
The congress of this association, which has some 1,184 members in the department, ended with a parade with the standard bearers of the local sections and the presentation of a wreath at the war memorial.
A medal for twenty-seven years of loyalty was given to Isabelle Vilechenon, from the Montmarault section, and a tribute was paid to one of the oldest members, Paul Grobost, who has contributed since 1947 and has given his support and his solidarity with the FNATH.
Composition. President, Christian Boutinon; vice-president, Jean-Pierre Aubouard; treasurer, Chantal Martin; assistant treasurer, Alain Guichon.