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The Importance of Embracing Fear and Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety: Psychologist’s Advice

To grow

Psychologist Leslie Hodge: ‘In society we prefer to push away uncomfortable feelings. We find sweating and turning red from nerves embarrassing, even though we all experience it from time to time. But you should not ignore or avoid that fear, because then you run the risk of it becoming even worse. For example, if you are afraid of speaking in front of a large group, you may eventually no longer dare to speak in smaller groups.

A study from University of Rochester shows that it is important to reframe fear. Don’t view it as something purely negative, but as a functional messenger that keeps you alert and can help you detect pain points. View that fear as a large arrow that indicates: you can still grow in this. No matter how uncomfortable it may feel, fear motivates us to learn and continue to develop ourselves. Therefore, try to overcome your fear of public speaking and achieve small successes. Speak to a stranger, make the slides for the presentation, tell a nice story during the coffee break…’

2024-01-07 08:02:25
#empathy #unexpected #benefits #fear

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