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The Importance of Drinking Enough Water: Impact on Health, Metabolism, Brain Functioning, Eating Habits, Skin, and Mood

We all know that to drink water is necessary for our health. Yet many of us do not reach the necessary two liters. But what exactly is happening to us body if we drink too little?

1. Increased risk of health problems

If you drink too little water, you may have a higher risk of kidney stones, bladder and colon cancer and heart attacks. In addition, drinking water keeps all your organs healthy and gives your body the chance to work hard.

2. Metabolism

In a study, Dr. Howard Murad found that a person’s metabolic rate (calories burned at rest) speeds up as the body receives enough hydration. This decreases when you drink too little water, which can make you sick and tired faster. It can also lead to weight gain.

3. You have to think harder to do the same tasks

Researchers at King’s College London’s Institute of Psychiatry found that the brain shrinks once it’s dehydrated. Teenagers who drank too little water were asked to play a problem-solving game. Although it turned out that they performed just as well as those who drank enough water, they did require a larger portion of their brains to achieve the same result. Drinking enough water restores the brain to its normal size.

4. You eat more

One study found that people who drank two glasses of water before eating ate 75 to 90 fewer calories than people who didn’t drink enough water. Over three months, the water drinkers lost 2.5 kilograms by drinking water before each meal.

5. You get more wrinkles

In another study, Murad also found that water plumps skin, plumps fine lines and wrinkles, and counteracts a dull complexion. In addition, it helps against dry skin and a tired feeling.

6. Bad mood

In 2009, researchers asked men and women to do 60 to 75 minutes of aerobic exercise (such as running, swimming, cycling, or brisk walking) without drinking enough water first. Others were told to drink enough water before performing the exercises. What turned out? The dehydrated group was more likely to feel tired, confused, angry, depressed, or tense.

Source: Marie Claire | Image: Adobe Stock

2023-07-29 11:31:18
#body #dont #drink #water

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