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The Importance of Dietary Fiber in Preventing Colon Cancer and Promoting Intestinal Health

Vegetables high in dietary fiber – whole grains, blood – contribute to intestinal health

Entered 2024.01.01 19:34 Views 317 Entered 2024.01.01 19:34 Modified 2024.01.01 20:16 Views 317 Eating enough vegetables, whole grains, and fruits high in dietary fiber is good for blood and intestine health. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

It is very difficult to change eating habits that have been maintained for a long time. What if you quit eating delicious grilled meat for hyperlipidemia and intestinal health? How long will it last? Like New Year’s resolutions, it’s easy for them to become three-day resolutions. In this case, let’s start by setting goals that are easy to implement. First, eat plenty of foods high in dietary fiber. What effect does this ingredient have?

Helps with hyperlipidemia – colon cancer – gallstones – constipation… What foods are high in dietary fiber?

According to data from the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, dietary fiber is helpful for hyperlipidemia (dyslipidemia), colon cancer, diverticulosis, cholelithiasis, and constipation, but people are eating less of it overall. The Korean Nutrient Intake Standards (2020) set the sufficient dietary fiber intake for adults at 25 g for men and 20 g for women. Dietary fiber is found in abundance in vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, and seaweed. To increase dietary fiber intake, choose mixed grain rice rather than rice, raw fruit rather than juice, and be sure to eat at least two vegetable side dishes (greens, raw vegetables, wraps, etc.) with each meal.

I eat a lot of meat, but I don’t have enough dietary fiber… Why is colon cancer more common than stomach cancer?

According to national cancer registration statistics released by the Ministry of Health and Welfare on the 28th of last month, there were 277,523 new cancer patients in 2021. It increased by 10.8% compared to the previous year. The most common cancers are thyroid cancer (12.7%), colon cancer (11.8%), lung cancer (11.4%), and stomach cancer (10.6%). It is noteworthy that colon cancer is more common than stomach cancer last year. This trend is expected to continue. This is because the number of people overeating and eating fatty foods such as animal fat and saturated fat has increased significantly compared to before. Eating a lot of meat but less dietary fiber also seems to have had an effect.

Promotes excretion of carcinogens… Inhibits neutral fat-cholesterol absorption

According to the National Cancer Information Center, dietary fiber is a polysaccharide that cannot be digested due to low digestive enzymes in the body. By increasing the amount of intestinal movement, it reduces the time that carcinogens are in contact with the intestinal mucosa. It helps prevent cancer by promoting the excretion of carcinogens. It is also good for preventing constipation. Eating enough dietary fiber, such as vegetable side dishes, during meals helps prevent hyperlipidemia by suppressing the absorption of neutral fat and cholesterol. It is effective in preventing diabetes and obesity by lowering blood sugar levels slowly.

I ate mixed grain rice and vegetables as a side dish… Why was hyperlipidemia and colon cancer rare in the past?

Types of dietary fiber include cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. It is abundant in mixed grains such as brown rice, rye, vegetables, and plant stems. You can increase your dietary fiber intake by eating a lot of side dishes with mixed grain rice and vegetables. This is why colon cancer and hyperlipidemia were not as common in the past as they are now. It is good to eat bread made from whole grains. Another type of dietary fiber, pectin and gum, is abundant in apples, bananas, tangerines, barley, oats, and kidney beans. Natural foods are more effective than factory-made supplements. The cancer prevention effectiveness of processed supplements has not been sufficiently tested. Natural foods are the safest.

Reporter Kim Yong

[email protected]

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2024-01-01 10:35:07

#worried #colon #cancer #change #eating #habits.. #lot

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