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The Importance of Chlorophyll in Plant Growth and Photosynthesis

Plants have chlorophyll or a green leaf substance that functions as a medium and also for the creation of food and for the process of photosynthesis.

GridKids.id – Plants are one of the living creatures in the universe.

Plants also coexist with humans.

Plants are living things that have leaves, stems and roots so that they are able to produce their own food by using chlorophyll to undergo the process of photosynthesis.

Plants are living things that are composed of several cell tissues.

One of the cell tissues in plants is meristem tissue or often referred to as embryonic tissue.

Meristem tissue is the plant tissue that allows plants to grow.

In meristem tissue, cells continuously divide by mitosis and cause the plant to grow.

In this case the network is accompanied by an adult network.

Meristem tissue functions in plant growth such as forming roots, stems, branches and leaves.

This network can also lengthen and widen the stem as well as lengthen and strengthen the roots.

In addition, meristem tissue also promotes germination.

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2023-05-04 05:00:00
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