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“The Importance of Childhood Vaccinations: Complete Guide to Vaccination Schedule for Children Up to Six Years Old in Quintana Roo”

Photo: Quadratin Quintana Roo

Omar Diaz/Quadratin Quintana Roo

CANCÚN, QRoo, May 20, 2023.- Childhood vaccination up to six years of age is essential, as it helps provide immunity to children who are exposed to potentially fatal diseases.

Photo: SESA

For this reason, the Secretary of Health of Quintana Roo stresses the importance of knowing what is the complete vaccination scheme that children should have, so that they are protected against any diseases.

That’s why most childhood vaccines are recommended for the first 12 to 18 months of a baby’s life.

The first vaccine a baby should receive at birth is BCG against hepatitis B. At two months of age, the child should already have the first doses of hexavalent, rotavirus, and 13-valent neomococcal.

At four months the baby should receive the second doses of hexavalent, rotavirus, neomococcal 13 valent.

At six months your child should receive hexavalent third dose and influenza first dose, applying the second dose at seven months of age.

When the child is one year old, he will receive neomococcal third dose and SRP first dose. At one year and six months, hexavalent fourth dose and SRP second dose.

At four years of age, your child will receive the DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus) vaccine. Finally, at six years the second dose of SRP.

Authorized reproduction citing the source with the following link Quadratín Quintana Roo

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2023-05-20 20:17:19
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