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The Importance of Blood Donation: Saving Lives, Donor Requirements, and Covid-19 Considerations

Since blood cannot be manufactured or replaced by any other artificial substance, the only way to obtain it is through donation. Rosario has several health centers where you can reserve a day and time to perform the extraction, which can save a life.

Donating blood is a selfless act that contributes to saving lives and improving health. Every community needs regular donations, since blood can only be kept for a limited time. Donations are essential to guarantee the availability of safe blood when and where it is needed.

There are no risks of acquiring infections from the donation since the material used is disposable and handled by specialists.

Only a few people have discomfort after the donation, but, in any case, recovery is generally fast and daily tasks can be resumed immediately.

Before donating, a doctor will conduct a brief interview to determine that donating blood cannot affect you as a donor and is safe for the recipient.

Covid-19 and blood donation

We tell you the times you have to wait before donating blood during the covid-19 pandemic:

  • If you got the covid-19 vaccine you have to wait 72 hours before donating.
  • If you had Covid-19 you have to wait 10 days from the discharge date to be able to donate
  • If you were in close contact, you have to wait 10 days if you have your full vaccination schedule
  • If you are living with a confirmed case, wait 5 days from the discharge of the positive.
  • If you have symptoms compatible with covid DO NOT go donate and cancel the shift.


  • You can donate blood every 2 months. Men can do it up to 4 times a year and women up to 3 times a year.
  • It is not advisable to donate blood on an empty stomach.. You can eat breakfast normally before donating. And if the donation is made in the afternoon, normally have lunch before.

You can donate blood if:

  • You are in good health (not being under medical treatment, not having a cold or sick, etc.)
  • You are between 18 and 65 years of age (minors between 16 and 18 years of age can do it with the authorization of their parents or guardians and those over 65 with medical authorization)
  • You weigh at least 50 kilos.
  • You did not suffer from infectious diseases.
  • You have controlled hypertension, thyroid problems, allergic problems without manifestation at that time.
  • You had hepatitis only before you were 10 years old.
  • If you are taking any medication, or if you have doubts about your health, consult your doctor prior to donating.

It is temporarily not possible to be a donor when:

  • You have the flu, fever, infections, diarrhea, vomiting, are undergoing dental treatment or have a dental infection at the time of the donation: you can donate 3 days after the process has finished.
  • It has been less than 1 year since you received gamma globulin, had tattoos, piercings, or acupuncture treatments.
  • You received blood transfusions, organ or tissue transplants.
  • You were under medical treatment or major surgery (12 months), minor, laparoscopic or endoscopic surgery (6 months).
  • You had contact with human blood or secretions, or performed tasks while being exposed to them.
  • You used illegal substances such as cocaine, injectables or others.
  • You had sexual relations with someone infected with the HIV virus or hepatitis B or C, or with people on dialysis or who receive frequent blood transfusions or derivatives and you did not take care of yourself
  • You had sexual relations with different partners or people without the use of condoms.
  • You were treated for syphilis, gonorrhea, or another venereal disease.
  • In case of pregnancy at the time of donation, childbirth or abortion: you can donate after 6 months.
  • If you had malaria or malaria, received treatment or traveled to an endemic area.

Definitely it is not possible to be a donor:

  • If you suffer from heart diseases such as angina, heart attack, arrhythmias, thrombosis.
  • If you had or have seizures, blackouts or epilepsy.
  • If you have diabetes and are on insulin treatment
  • If you had or have cancer, or received chemotherapy and/or radiation.
  • If you had or have severe anemia, bleeding or coagulation problems
  • If you have Chagas disease or have tested positive for it.
  • If you had hepatitis B or C or were in direct contact with people with hepatitis without taking care of yourself.
  • If you have AIDS or have tested positive for HIV.

During the selection process, more detailed information regarding fitness to be a blood donor may be requested. It is always necessary to consult any doubt with the professional who conducts the pre-donation interview.

In addition to the general requirements, you must:

  • Have a specific medical and laboratory examination (carried out in the effector where you donate).
  • Ingest, before the donation, punctually sugary liquids and fruits, not dairy or fatty foods.

How to do it

Reserve a day and time to donate blood. Please come to the shift on time. The medical interview takes only 30 minutes and the blood draw takes no more than 5 minutes.

schedule shift

donation centers

You can donate on different days and times in the following places:

  • Cemar (San Luis 2020) Tel. 4802555 ints. 3203/04/05 – [email protected]
  • Roque Saenz Peña Hospital (Laprida 5381)
  • Clemente Álvarez Emergency Hospital (Pellegrini 3205)
  • District Municipal Centers (SaludMóvil)
  • Eventual donation days (SaludMóvil)


If you have any difficulty booking your appointment online or have any questions, please send a call to 4802555 ext.3203/04/05. You can also send an email to [email protected] with the donor’s data (name, surname, date of birth, cell phone and ID).

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