TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The prostate is hidden under the bladder. In the early stages of cancer, patients usually do not experience any complaints so that many cases of cancer are not detected early. Head of Department of Urology FKUI-RSCM, Dr. dr. Irfan Wahyudi, SpU(K), reminded the importance of awareness for early detection prostate cancer which ranks second most cases of cancer in the world after lung cancer in men.
"Di Amerika Serikat angka deteksinya tinggi karena kurang dari 5 persen yang terdiagnosis dalam stadium lanjut. Di Eropa 10 persen kanker prostat baru yang terdiagnosis dalam stadium lanjut, bandingkan dengan negara-negara berkembang, Asia termasuk Indonesia angkanya 60 persen," katanya.
Deteksi dini dilakukan untuk mencegah pasien kanker baru berkonsultasi ke dokter dalam kondisi stadium lanjut yang bisa menurunkan angka harapan hidup hingga 50 persen. Padahal, sebanyak 99 persen pasien yang didiagnosis dan ditatalaksana pada stadium dini memiliki angka harapan hidup hingga 5 tahun serta kualitas hidup cukup baik.
Saat ini, deteksi dini pada kanker prostat dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa cara, yaitu anamnesa dengan melihat riwayat medis dari pasien dan juga keluarganya, melakukan pemeriksaan fisik, misalnya Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) atau colok dubur dan pemeriksaan Prostate Spesific Antigen (PSA).
“Data in the UK, one in eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. This number is increasing, even the increase can be 24 times per year,” said Irfan.
Therefore, there needs to be an effort in the form of an early detection program, one of which is through the #kenaliprostatmu movement to urge the public to pay more attention to the importance of early detection and the steps that must be taken to increase the life expectancy of prostate cancer patients. The program carried out by health workers from the FKUI-RSCM-RSUI can also be a means of educating the public, especially men, to be more aware and willing to check their health. prostate.
“The targets are prostate cancer patients, the general public, patient companions, the media. The series of activities lasts a month in the form of lay webinars with different topics every week,” said Irfan.
This program is scheduled to take place September 8-30, 2021. The webinar does not only feature speakers from urology specialists at the RSCM and RSUI, nurses from the Indonesian Urological Nurses Association (HPUI), one of which is via Instagram Live RSUI.
Also read: How to prevent prostate cancer, choose the following foods
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