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The Importance of Annual Vehicle Inspections: What to Check and Other Added Value Services

Driving with a car in good condition is crucial to protect its occupants and other road users. Road safety experts advise submitting the vehicle to an inspection every year. A visit to the workshop that, sometimes, does not involve any cost for the drivers. This is so, they explain from the insurance sector, because some car insurance includes an annual review.

However, many policyholders are unaware that they can benefit from this type of service, through which the status of the main safety components of a car is verified. Among them are tires, brake equipment, battery, oil and lubricant, windshield wipers, and optical groups. These components play a vital role in ensuring the safety and proper functioning of a vehicle.

Tires, for example, represent the only point of contact between the car and the asphalt. Tread wear, cuts, cracks, or deformations, as well as incorrect pressure, can cause an accident. Brake equipment helps slow a vehicle down and stop it effectively, so it is essential to check discs, pads, hoses, fluid, and the parking brake. The battery’s electrolyte level, age, and extreme temperatures can lead to discharge, so it is important to review its status regularly. Oil and lubricant are essential for the proper functioning of the engine, and their level and condition must be checked during maintenance operations. The windshield wipers and their liquid ensure optimal visibility in rainy or dirty conditions. Finally, checking all the lights, including the reversing one and the turn signals, is essential to illuminate the road, signal maneuvers, and increase visibility to other drivers or pedestrians.

Thanks to the initiative of some companies, these free revisions facilitate the detection of possible defects. Repairing these defects, which are not covered by insurance, would be the responsibility of the vehicle owner. Therefore, these inspections are useful in preventing motorists from being stranded or, even worse, suffering from a traffic accident.

In addition to the free inspections, car insurance providers offer other services and coverage to take into account. One of these services is the transfer of the car to the Technical Vehicle Inspection (ITV). Insurance companies help policyholders who cannot go to an ITV station due to work obligations, illness, or other reasons to fulfill this obligation. This ensures that the vehicle remains compliant with legal requirements.

However, even after passing the ITV satisfactorily, a car is not exempt from suffering a breakdown or an accident. To be protected in such situations, insurance industry professionals recommend choosing car insurance that includes coverage of Travel Assistance. This coverage provides assistance and support in case of breakdowns, accidents, or other unforeseen events while traveling.

When taking out a car insurance policy, it is important to opt for companies with extensive experience in the sector. It is also advisable to familiarize oneself with the coverage and services included in the policy to make the most out of them in case of need.

In conclusion, regular vehicle inspections and choosing comprehensive car insurance coverage are essential for ensuring road safety and protecting both the driver and other road users. By taking advantage of the free inspections provided by some insurance companies and selecting the right coverage, motorists can prevent accidents, breakdowns, and other unforeseen events on the road.

car inspection

Ease safety.

Ensuring that a car is in good condition is vital for the safety of both the occupants and other road users. To help with this, road safety experts recommend getting a vehicle inspection done every year. This visit to the workshop is sometimes free for drivers, as certain car insurance policies include an annual review.

Unfortunately, many policyholders are unaware of this service and its benefits. During this inspection, the main safety components of the car are checked, such as tires, brakes, battery, oil, windshield wipers, and lights. These components play a crucial role in ensuring the vehicle’s safety and proper functioning.

Tires, for instance, are the only point of contact between the car and the road. Any wear and tear, cuts, cracks, or deformations, along with incorrect tire pressure, can lead to accidents. Brake equipment is responsible for slowing down and stopping the vehicle effectively, so it is essential to regularly check the condition of the discs, pads, hoses, fluid, and parking brake. The battery’s electrolyte level, age, and exposure to extreme temperatures can cause discharge, underscoring the importance of regular reviews. Oil and lubricant are essential for the proper functioning of the engine, so their levels and condition should be checked during maintenance. Additionally, windshield wipers and their fluid are crucial for optimal visibility in rainy or dirty conditions. Lastly, checking all lights, including reverse lights and turn signals, is essential for illuminating the road, signaling maneuvers, and enhancing overall safety.

Regular inspections and maintenance not only protect the occupants and other road users but also help prolong the lifespan of the vehicle. Taking advantage of the free annual review offered by some car insurance policies is a simple way to ensure that these safety components are in good working condition. By ensuring that your vehicle is in optimal condition, you can drive with confidence, knowing that you have taken important steps to protect yourself and others on the road.

1 thought on “The Importance of Annual Vehicle Inspections: What to Check and Other Added Value Services”

  1. This article provides valuable insight into the necessity of annual vehicle inspections and the various components that should be checked. Additionally, it highlights the added value services that can enhance the safety and performance of any vehicle. A must-read for all car owners!


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