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The Importance and Function of GPS: Global Positioning System Explained

KOMPAS.comGlobal positioning system or better known as GPS is a network of satellites and receiving devices (receivers) which is used to determine the location of something on Earth.

It is known, the original GPS system began as a United States military project. The first experimental satellite was launched in 1978.

In 1994, there were 24 GPS satellites orbiting the Earth. Initially, the GPS available for civilian, or non-military use, was not very accurate.

It will only find receivers GPS within about 300 meters. But nowadays, free accurate signals are readily available to anyone with a GPS receiving device.

GPS is an American property, and it is known that Russia has its own version of the GPS system, called GLONASS (Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System).

Following, China and the European Union are currently creating their own GPS system.

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iStockphoto/aapsky Illustration of a GPS satellite orbiting the earth.

Reported from Encyclopedia BritannicaGPS has 31 satellites orbiting the Earth that carry atomic clocks to keep time very accurately.

The GPS satellite then transmits the time to receivers which is on Earth.

By comparing the time on the receivers with the time transmitted by the satellite, the distance between receivers and GPS satellites can be calculated.

Each satellite makes a full orbit of Earth every 12 hours and they constantly transmit radio signals.

Receivers GPS is programmed to receive information about the whereabouts of each satellite at a given moment and can also determine its own location.

Because radio waves travel at a constant speed, the receiver can use time measurements to calculate its distance from each satellite.

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However, knowing the distance between receivers GPS, on a cell phone for example, and one satellite don’t necessarily tell you where you are on Earth.

It just tells you that you are somewhere in the field with the distance to the satellite as the radius.

That is why the GPS satellites are placed in their orbits in such a way that four satellites are always visible.

Using signals from four satellites, receivers can calculate the exact position, so that the GPS data is more accurate.

Some GPS receivers are so accurate that they can determine their location to within one centimeter.

The GPS receiver provides the location in latitude, longitude and altitude. They also provide accurate time.

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GPS function

iStockPhoto/Rockaa Illustration of a car using GPS technology.

Reported from National Geographic, GPS technology is generally used to facilitate navigation.

Planes, ships, submarines, trains and space shuttles all use GPS to navigate.

Many people use their GPS while driving a car to plot their changing location on the electronic map they use.

The map then gives directions to the person’s destination. Locations and vehicles plotted using satellite data.

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In addition, some hikers also use GPS to help them find their way, especially when they are not on a controlled trail.

Currently GPS technology is commonly used by the public.

GPS technology is also used to track animals as they migrate, such as humpback whales, polar terns, and grizzly bears, which are equipped with GPS receivers.

This receiver tells the researcher where the animal is moving. So biologists can track animals as they migrate to other habitats during a season.

This includes when they move in search of food, shelter, or are forced out of their ecosystem by human activity.

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2023-08-02 09:45:00
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