“It is on the basis of an agreement between the two organisations, that support must be structured in the coming months as closely as possible to the needs of companies in this sector, in respect of the deployment of the classification resulting from the application of the new collective agreement which is due to take effect on January 1, 2024”, confides Alexandre Pennazio, general delegate of Medef28.
UIMM 28, employment center and a dozen united companies
And, to add: “classification being very far from being just a simple payroll parameter, but on the contrary constituting a structuring backbone, both of the conventional branch system, but also of the HR policy companies, the process of rolling out the new classification grid must already begin with a job description, in order to prepare the rolling out of the new coefficients, from the start of the school year and to be able to communicate with the representatives as needed. staff and teams”.
Testimonials from entrepreneurs
The presentation of the evening of July 6 was sequenced around an intervention by Apec on the recruitment of executives, a presentation in two voices, by the UIMM and the CCI, of the challenges of the implementation of the new classification system, and finally the testimony of three companies involved in the process.
Lorillard employees announce a new walkout Thursday noon
During this evening, there were many questions about the differentiation between the notions of profession, job and position, about the correct use of classification as an HR tool, or about the issues of versatility and recognition. .
“Faced with the challenges that await companies, the complementarity of the offers between the UIMM and the CCI in the territory is proving to be more than precious in this respect: the territorial UIMM to ensure the correct implementation of the system, in legal compliance with the negotiations national joint bodies, and the CCI, through its HR Employment-skills service, in order to support companies in change in the context of the evolution of the classification of their employees”.
Alexandre Pennazio (General Delegate of Medef28)
Convenient :
The two contacts that can be mobilized on this theme are respectively:
Nathalie Roderigue for the UIMM28 ( and Delphine Audrain for the CCI28 (
#Information #Chartres #salary #classification #metallurgy #employees