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The Impact of Wagner’s Rebellion on Putin’s Position in Russia

Nicolás de Pedro, principal investigator of the Institute for Statecraft specialized in Russiahas explained in RNE Mornings that knowing exactly the situation in Russia is complicated right now, but that after Wagner’s abortive military rebellion “there has been a very important break within the Kremlin ecosystem and that the Putin’s position it has been very damaged.” He considers that even within the Russian government itself they may not even know what is happening and assures that there is a “generalized climate of suspicion” within the Kremlin because, he explains, “it is very likely that Prigozhin before launching his coup had many interactions with many other actors and elements inside the Kremlin ecosystem.” And add that this is reflected in the contradictory information they are giving.

2023-06-28 17:49:54
#climate #widespread #suspicion #Kremlin

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