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The Impact of Vitamin D on Blood Pressure and Arteriosclerosis: What You Need to Know

Vitamin D can strengthen bones and also affects blood pressure. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

All sayVitamin DIt can strengthen bones, but in fact it also affectsblood pressure, and is related to the formation of arteriosclerosis. In addition, it is involved in all parts of the human body. Rather than saying it is a vitamin, it is closer to its properties that it is a hormone (Annotation: Vitamin D is a lipophilic steroid derivative and a precursor of hormones).

The human body can synthesize vitamin D on its own. The raw material is cholesterol, which absorbs ultraviolet rays through the skin and converts it into inactive vitamin D.

Both too much and too little vitamin D in the body can causearteriosclerosis

Inactive vitamin D needs to be metabolized by the liver and kidneys to be converted into active vitamin D. When parathyroid hormones increase, the amount of vitamin D metabolized by the kidneys increases excessively. An increase in the proportion of vitamin D metabolized by the kidneys can easily cause arteriosclerosis. So, wouldn’t it be better to have less vitamin D? Studies have found that reduced blood concentrations of vitamin D are associated with a relative increase in all-cause mortality. What’s even more troublesome is that the concentration of vitamin D throughout the body decreases, and the amount of vitamin D metabolized by the kidneys also increases.

If the vitamin D metabolized by the liver is below 20ng/ml, it means that the body is deficient in vitamin D. If it is below 30ng/ml, it means there is a slight deficiency. The ideal value should be 50 to 70ng/ml.

Vitamin D regulates calcium concentration in the blood. When the calcium concentration in the blood increases, calcium salt deposition occurs in places where it should not occur, causing ectopic calcification, one of which is arteriosclerosis. Therefore, too much or too little vitamin D can easily cause arteriosclerosis.

Vitamin D
Most modern people are generally deficient in vitamin D. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Modern people generally have insufficient vitamin D intake

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for the body. Recent research data shows that most modern people are generally deficient in vitamin D. In particular, strict vegetarians are particularly susceptible to vitamin D deficiency, and vitamin D deficiency is more serious in winter. This is because animal foods are rich in vitamin D, and there is relatively little sunshine in winter, so the amount of vitamin D synthesized in the body decreases. Similarly, winter blues is also related to vitamin D deficiency.

Mushrooms will produce precursors of vitamin D after being exposed to sunlight, so dried shiitake mushrooms and dried fungus in plant foods contain more vitamin D.

More on weekdaysbask in the sun, take in more leafy vegetables, dried fungus and dried mushrooms that contain less phosphorus but more calcium, as well as fish such as sardines, salmon, herring, etc., which are all good ingredients rich in vitamin D. Adequate vitamin D not only helps stabilize blood pressure and prevent arteriosclerosis, but also takes care of overall health.

This article is excerpted from “You can lower blood pressure healthily without relying on drugs or reducing salt: Medical big data tells you: Taking drugs and reducing salt cannot prevent arteriosclerosis” published by New Naturalism Publishing House, author: Takaya Yamaguchi.

source:new naturalism publishing house

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2024-04-14 07:30:00

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