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The Impact of Vasoconstriction on Nerve Cell Nutrition and Brain Health

According to her, vasoconstriction, especially of small diameter, leads to the fact that all cells, including nerve cells, receive less nutrition. The negative consequences will be even greater if the stress is prolonged and intense, and there are already atherosclerotic plaques on the inner wall of the vessels, which further impair blood flow.

– For example, I will describe a common picture in the MRI image, which was made by an aged person, especially a smoker and abusing alcohol. The brain looks like a sponge – all in small foci, where, in fact, nerve cells have died. When there are a lot of such areas, the function of the entire brain is disrupted, – Ekaterina Demyanovskaya gives an example.

Neurologist Maxim Tasits focuses on the fact that, for example, after a stroke, there are cells that have been damaged (the penumba zone), and they can be restored with proper and timely treatment. But the cells that “died” (the zone of necrosis) cannot be restored.

2023-07-03 13:00:16

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