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The Impact of US Sanctions on Iranian Thalassemia Patients: A Tragic Consequence

Title: Iranian Thalassemia Patients Suffer Due to US Sanctions

Iranian thalassemia patients are facing severe challenges and hardships due to the impact of US sanctions. The lack of access to foreign medicines and the rising prices of medications have resulted in increased suffering and even deaths among thalassemia patients in Iran. This article sheds light on the struggles faced by these patients and the detrimental effects of the sanctions on their health and well-being.

The Prevalence of Thalassemia in Iran:
Iran is known as one of the hotspots for thalassemia, a genetic disorder that affects blood cells and leads to a decrease in hemoglobin levels. The country currently has approximately 23,000 thalassemia patients who require lifelong treatments, including regular blood transfusions and medications to remove excess iron. Without proper treatment, thalassemia patients are at risk of developing secondary diseases such as diabetes, kidney failure, osteoporosis, and heart and liver diseases.

Impact of US Sanctions on Medication Availability:
The US sanctions imposed on Iran have indirectly affected the availability of medicines in the country. Iranian patients, like Shadi Fadaei, have been unable to access foreign medicines due to the restrictions on financial transactions and the reluctance of foreign companies to sell drugs to Iran for fear of sanctions. Fadaei, who has been battling thalassemia since childhood, has experienced exacerbated suffering and allergies when taking Iranian medicines. The lack of necessary medications has even resulted in the deaths of some thalassemia patients.

Rising Prices and Limited Availability:
The scarcity of medicines during the past four years has led to a stockpile of iron in patients’ bodies, worsening their condition. The increased secretions of the disease and the rising prices of medications have put a financial burden on patients like Fadaei, whose monthly spending on treatment has reached $200. This amount is equivalent to the monthly salary of two workers in the public sector in Iran. The absence of several essential items and the inflated prices have made it extremely challenging for thalassemia patients to afford the necessary treatments.

Challenges Faced by Thalassemia Patients:
The situation resulting from the sanctions has exposed thalassemia patients to secondary diseases and increased the number of deaths. Before the sanctions, an average of 25 to 30 thalassemia patients died annually in Iran. However, the current number ranges between 120 and 150 patients per year. Patients who face a shortage of medicines not only experience physical deterioration but also lose their ability to move and may develop permanent disabilities in walking. The lack of access to medications has also taken a toll on their mental health, leading to depression and loss of hope in life.

International Response and Humanitarian Concerns:
The impact of US sanctions on Iranian patients has raised concerns about human rights and the right to access healthcare. The Global Charter of Human Rights and other international agreements emphasize the importance of ensuring the highest standards of health and physical and psychological safety for everyone. However, the exclusion of food and medicine from the sanctions has proven to be ineffective in practice, as the restrictions on banks and money transfers make it practically impossible to purchase necessary medications. Foreign pharmaceutical companies and international banks fear legal prosecutions and avoid sending medicines to Iran due to the risk of being subjected to US sanctions.

Personal Stories:
The article highlights the personal stories of individuals affected

symptoms of iron overload in thalassemia

Add to iron overload, which can lead to complications and further health problems. Additionally, the rising prices of medications have made them unaffordable for many thalassemia patients in Iran. This has forced some patients to either forgo their necessary treatments or resort to substandard or counterfeit drugs, further jeopardizing their health and well-being.

Challenges in Blood Transfusion Services:

Thalassemia patients require regular blood transfusions as part of their treatment. However, the US sanctions have also impacted the availability of essential medical supplies, including blood bags and laboratory reagents. This has put a strain on blood transfusion services in Iran and has resulted in delays in receiving necessary transfusions. These delays can have serious consequences for thalassemia patients, as the lack of timely transfusions can lead to complications such as severe anemia and organ damage.

Psychosocial and Emotional Impact:

In addition to the physical challenges, thalassemia patients in Iran are also facing significant psychosocial and emotional burdens due to the impact of US sanctions. The uncertainty and anxiety caused by the unavailability and high costs of medications create additional stress for patients and their families. The inability to access proper treatment and the fear of worsening health conditions have led to increased levels of depression and decreased quality of life among thalassemia patients in Iran.

International Efforts and Advocacy:

Various international organizations, such as the United Nations and human rights groups, have expressed concerns about the impact of US sanctions on the health and well-being of Iranian thalassemia patients. These organizations have called for exemptions or waivers to ensure that essential medicines and medical supplies reach those in need. However, the complex nature of the sanctions and the political dynamics make it challenging to implement these measures effectively.


The impact of US sanctions on Iranian thalassemia patients cannot be overlooked. The lack of access to foreign medicines, rising prices of medications, challenges in blood transfusion services, and the psychosocial and emotional burdens faced by these patients have resulted in increased suffering and negative health outcomes. Efforts are needed to address these issues and ensure that thalassemia patients in Iran can receive the necessary treatments and support for a better quality of life.

1 thought on “The Impact of US Sanctions on Iranian Thalassemia Patients: A Tragic Consequence”

  1. The tragic consequences of US sanctions on Iranian Thalassemia patients highlight the urgent need for a humanitarian approach. The health and well-being of innocent individuals should never be compromised for political reasons.


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