Home » Health » The Impact of Tamees Bread on Diabetics: A Health Awareness Perspective

The Impact of Tamees Bread on Diabetics: A Health Awareness Perspective

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A content maker interested in health awareness revealed the effect of eating tamees bread on diabetics.

And he said during a video clip: “Today I analyzed the sugar while I was fasting, the percentage was 104, and today I try Tamees bread, and after two hours I will measure the sugar.”

He explained that he had entered the pre-diabetic stage, meaning that his sugar level was higher than the normal rate, indicating that he had committed himself to staying away from all types of bread as well as starches.

And he continued, “3 hours after eating tamees bread, the sugar level was 167,” pointing out that the more a diabetic stays away from wheat and starches, the better for him, because they cause a rise in sugar.

2023-06-28 08:15:35

#Watch.. #content #maker #reveals #effect #Tamees #bread #diabetics.. #explains #body #eating

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