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The Impact of Stress and Anxiety on Belly Fat and How to Combat it

Written by Fatima Khalil Saturday, September 30, 2023 06:00 AM Many people face a problem Fats The abdomen or abdomen, which causes the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area and there is difficulty in getting rid of it. There are some wrong habits that affect abdominal fat and increase it, and we learn about the biggest enemy of belly fat in the following lines.

Dr. Radwa Nabil Ismail, a clinical nutrition consultant at Kasr Al-Aini, said in a statement to Al-Youm Al-Sabea that the biggest enemy to losing belly fat is stress and anxiety, as anxiety leads to a decrease in the secretion of satiety hormones, which leads to an increase in your food intake, especially sweets and pastries.

She explained that stress also leads to a decrease in the body’s ability to burn fat or a slow rate of metabolism, which makes the problem of belly fat more difficult.

She added that the hormone cortisol, which is responsible for stress, reduces the sensitivity of the cell to insulin, which is responsible for burning fat in the body, which makes you insatiable and does not burn fat, and thus there is resistance to burning and resistance to satiety.

She continued that this resistance to burning fat increases the production of fat cells, and these fat cells secrete enzymes that activate cortisol from the inactive form to the active form.

She added that cortisol also affects the thyroid gland and reduces the work of thyroid hormones. She pointed out that there are some vitamins and minerals that reduce the effect of the stress hormone “cortisol,” which are: vitamin D, vitamin B1 and B3, magnesium and calcium.

2023-09-30 03:00:00

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